If they are using gay as a derogatory term then they should probably shouldn't be playing Valo, or any online game frankly, and do a bit of growing up. Also if a game having gay characters seems to be a deal-breaker, then unfortunately aren't going to have many games to play. Representation and acceptance is becoming the norm, so they will probably need to adjust, as even Rainbow 6 Siege has several open LGBT characters.

You don't need an axe transmog or imp in a bottle to survive. The food = cosmetics is the clown thinking.

And you get 500 at the start of each month for free from the chest.

Square for sure lets bots just bot. They are less player-facing because they use cheats to get underground and teleport around. If Square really did care about bots, they'd make killzones under maps and DC people that move to fast like WoW (generally) does and that'd eliminate thousands of bots, but they don't.

Unless you own a house. If you don't stay subbed, you lose a thing you worked hard for.

One of my biggest criticisms of the game is how it holds that part of the game hostage, so you really can't unsub if you wanna own a house. Also retainers, paying for inventory space is toxic as hell.

It's just how Oz decided to do it when building the academies. 4 is a solid number for people to not need to much oversight, but still have the ability to have numbers advantage on larger grimm.

Out of universe, it's because Monty wanted the main party to be comprised of 4 classic fantasy archetypes, the Tank, the Thief, the Mage, and the Ranger. Once they had RWBY, they needed a way to justify that team comp, so it's just made to be the standard. Plus it allows writers to create easy pair-ups for character moments, where an ensemble might be harder to manage. Honestly, they relied too much on the pairings in early seasons (Blake and Ruby don't ever talk) but it allowed for fun dynamics and fun moments where those dynamics are broken like when Wiess and Yang connect in V5.

My favorite part of these posts is that like 10 of the exact same one have been made this week, all wondering why it hasn't been fixed yet. As if it is totally weird that during the holiday break, a group of engineers won't drop everything and fix this relatively minor issue outside of their normal cycle.

From what I've been seeing, it worked on PTR/Beta, and it works properly sometimes on live, but there is clearly a loot bug. Today is still the New Years Holiday break, so even if it was highest priority, I would hope no one would even touch it until tomorrow.

This is less an attack on the Game Awards, and more a moment showing just how much Laura loves playing in CR.

A few reasons. First, it goes against the general rule of social media and online content generation where the content creators are paid for their work, and instead charges those most likely to generate ad revenue, thus pushing them away from the platform.

Second, it's a PR nightmare. Advertisers want to be seen alongside a product that people have favorable opinions of, and since the check mark announcement, general opinion of Twitter as a service has gone down leading to advertisers seeing if they need to pull back what they think the service is worth.

Third, there is a lot of general confusion about how the $8 check mark will work and Musk has done very little to clarify those concerns. If anyone can get a blue check mark, and Twitter continues to reduce moderation, then there is more risk of content that advertisers don't want to be seen beside. This is evident by the rise in the use of slurs since Musk took over that advertisers would like to stay away from.

They mean that Armin was part of the group that killed Eren. The whole reason Eren let them kill him is to show the world Wall Eldians are good, so Armin after Eren died can say he helped bring him down and use that as a jumping off point to talk peace. Without that, the world would never accept Armin's words.

Devil is a Part Timer is fantastic, both sub and dub.

"Hell yeah!"

Kinda fits whatever situation I died in, and it could be directions for where I would be.

Ghostcrawler left because of how much the community hated him. He was hit with vitriol and harassment 24/7, and no matter what change was made to 'listen to the community', another part of the community hated it.

The recent attitude shift of 'GC > Ion' is hilarious, because GC wasn't well-loved by the vocal section of the community. And I'm sure when Ion leaves and we get a new lead that is willing to take the communities BS, we will get a lot of love for Ion again 3 xpacs later.

I don't know why, but the idea of "It was fake, but it's Blizz's fault I fell for it." is actually hilarious.

  1. He shouldn't say that about any dev team.

  2. He has plausible deniability, but it isn't a stretch by any means. Considering he is on a stream with 2 big WoW streamers who constantly talk about 'WoW vs. FF14', even if he did a cursory google before the interview, he'd know that. Plus obviously, that was the communities take away from the comment. Asmon + Rich's reaction and all the top comments of even this thread are about WoW.

Even if it wasn't pointed at directly at WoW, no Dev should ever say that about another team. No game dev is out to make a bad game, and implying that a team doesn't care about their project is wrong. There are a lot of reasons bad games get made, almost never are they because those on the ground making them are uncaring or lazy.


It's really disappointing to hear this from YoshiP. WoW has problems, no one here argues that but to put down another team is unprofessional and something he knows is incorrect. WoW devs love their game and are constantly set out to make it a better experience. Does it work all the time? No, of course not. They've been doing this for over 15 years so there is a need to evolve and try new things. And a community that simultaneously hates change but hates stagnation is unsurprisingly hard to please.

FF14 is where the WoW team is at when they launched Mists of Pandaria, and FF14 has the benefit of multiple successful MMOs to draw inspiration from which WoW didn't. It's super disappointing that a seasoned dev who knows those struggles as the game grows in age would take a cheap shot.

The speech is a longer prepared set of remakes he made earlier. Even in the video, he said he was embarrassed that he had to have his mother play it for him since he was wearing a mask. He knew he would have x time to speak uninterrupted, because that's how these school board meetings work.

I was a big fan of Starcraft esports, and popular Starcraft personality Day9 was on a Geek and Sundry show about tabletop games. From there, I occasionally watched G&S stuff over the years, but I saw they were live on Twitch with some voice actors I knew of, and just so happened to catch the 4th episode. The Clarota hijinx got me hooked immediately, and been a fan ever since.

So does Ed. I don't know about you, but I doubt an 11-year-old was able to afford those Automail limbs. I don't see him working a 9-5 before he gets into the Military.

Also when he gets into the military, he literally uses taxpayer money to rebuild his automail. The Rockbells even make jokes about how much he pays them.

It's literally a plot point that his prosthetics break regularly, limiting his ability to live his life. Being unable to perform tasks you should be able to perform because your body doesn't let you unassisted is pretty disabled.

Pride not in how they become disabled, but pride in themselves for being who they are both in spite of their disability and who they became by living with their disability.

As for 'don't be a bitch', I would suggest possibly meeting and interacting with more disabled people. They are a very diverse group and there are a ton of resources out there to learn more about the disabled community. I've yet to meet a weak disabled person.

And the taxpayers' thing, Disability Benefits as a system (in the US) are not something that is easy to get even for obviously disabled people, and honestly, the small amount they give isn't worth the effort if you are able-bodied.

Ed is an amputee. He is explicitly disabled.

Plus characters like Lan Fan, Paninya, Buccaneer, and everyone else with Automail. And PTSD is considered to be a disability due to how impactful it is on your life and ability to function day-to-day, so Major Armstrong and nearly all of those involved on either side of the Ishvalan Genocide.

Yeah, it's largely about celebrating the lives of disabled people who are still fighting for equal rights, fair treatment, and representation.

FMA treats their disabled characters pretty realistically, even with automail. I'm glad to see that library giving FMA a place there.

Only if you already had a 310% mount, which you got from the Holiday Events. It went the same speed as every other epic flying mount, unless you got the 310% mounts through in-game means first.

Also it looked stupid and I don't know anyone who actually wanted the sparkle pony over Invincible or the Proto Drakes.