Been wanting to live on planet Earth for a few billion years, the time I finally decide to get born, it gets vandalised by 20th-21st century humans, industrialisation, capitalism and resulting climate change.

Feel like this isn’t normal, maybe you should talk to a doctor about this??

I took it to mean like “it’s unbelievable how she’s the whole package”. As in, “she’s so flawlessly beautiful you’d assume there must be a catch (especially for her to be single) but there isn’t, shes amazing inside and out.” But who knows

Awww he’s gorgeous! Do you have a pattern link at all?

They don’t necessarily know how long or short or complicated a scene might be before filming

I get the reason for the goblets is editing continuity but couldn’t they have like metal waterbottles when out and about ? Must be so inconvenient



Jiggled y’all around a bit, let me know if u want the non watermark version or any changes:)


Doesn’t make it less weird. A sex ed class in school is very different to someone double your age befriending you and showing you this stuff. A teacher putting a condom on a cucumber is a different context to a random man filming a video with a child showing them how to put on a condom. I think this is similar. This is just weird and gross. It’s not really being done for Jojo’s education, and if it was it wasn’t Colleen Ballinger’s place to do that, and it certainly didn’t need to be exploited for content.

I also think the fact that it’s specifically Colleen’s vulva or whatever the hell is being shown, rather than some random anonymous person, makes it more intimate and weird.

Probably that Zoella collab or something… always found her so offputting


Oh no to be clear I think a child in the family made this ! Was just joking based on the dad’s disturbing YouTube playlist. Is this a value they’re particularly instilling in these kids? What behaviour has prompted this artwork? 😶


Most of these are from her main channel. I'm not sure if there are thumbnails available for the ones that are blank, there may be, but waybackmachine (even though it's a beast) is pretty slow so they may just not have loaded on my internet.

You can find these and more here:*/*/

I am so disgusted by the amount of sexual content on her channel for kids... it's a neverending hole of awfulness.


I'm trying to gather some of her predatory awful behaviour from YouTube before she (surely inevitably?) takes it down. May upload some more of this stuff onto this channel if I have time