Now you’ll see billboards with “Biden or the Rapist? I choose the Rapist”, because his fans are delusional psychopaths.

Does her God have a weird moustache and is he German or something?

Games Workshop, I swear to Mag’ladroth.

LEAVE MAH BEEFY BOI ALONE (great paint scheme by the way)

Then bring in Ganimes from Space Amoeba and Ebirah even though he’s a lobster. Ultimate Kaiju rave.

I quit the game at the start of chapter 5 season 2 so I had no idea

I am Alpharius

No, I’M Alpharius!

Alastor the Radio Demon

Just imagine

Lucifer: How…?

Charlie: profuse blushing and stuttering

Vaggie: too busy hugging her belly to even notice

Yeah, I knew I was right to quit

Alastor the Radio Demon

I recently parted ways with my fair maiden with whom I had romantic relations. Now I shall provide thee with the wench’s credentials so thou may contact her.

HA! I jest, ‘twas false information I presented thee with, fool! I now laugh at thy foolishness and invite thine friends to join me in the celebratory screaming of the word “OH”.

I am Alpharius

Mutants? Monsters like Zunesha? DEVIL FRUIT?! THIS IS HERESY!


What beefy boi? I see no photo.

:Destoroyah: DESTOROYAH

Make this a meme template

They’re such good bois. One of mine tore an Ork army apart at a tournament last year, these things are the goodest bois.

Benson when slacking off: v i o l e n c e

Benson when no slacking off: One of the Boys

Alastor the Radio Demon

Rosie: tickling Alastor


c r u n c h

Death is Death, Kai is nearly unbeatable and Ruby can just transform into her Kaiju form and step on everyone.

Plus, who would want to hurt Ruby? She’s a cinnamon roll.

Let’s hope all of the resin models we lost get given rules again/remade in plastic form (if they were completely axed).

Alastor the Radio Demon

Mothra absolutely curbstomps him, and if she doesn’t then Valentino has Godzilla to answer to.

The last time Godzilla was in Hell didn’t end so well for the inhabitants.
:Destoroyah: DESTOROYAH

The bases of the necks and the ab articulation, dude. The lines stick out too much and sort of ruin the look on Hiya.

Besides that, Hiya’s sculpt and paint looks that bit better.

:Destoroyah: DESTOROYAH

SHMA did the necks and the chest better, overall Hiya wins though