Joe Rogan is what happens when everything you see looks like a nail and all you have is a thick skull.

We already know Trump is a massive piece of shit.

Vote blue folks. Politics is getting incredibly scary lately. I got one do not want to live in historical times. Holy shit.

This is incredibly terrifying. WTF. People we have to join together and defeat this fucking AH.

Monkey in Space

Trump's fatality is a cloud of toxic gas that melts his opponents to the bone.

I feel like is not that hard to ignore irrelevant post. Most of the funny content comes from DIYs.

Monkey in Space

Yea every one has biases. No reasonable person would deny that. Your point is what exactly?

Those coyote engines are very mod friendly and pump out some insane Horsepower.

Monkey in Space

To be fair your down votes are due to you criticism other peoples opinions not about your taste of the the show.

Monkey in Space

Nah bro. This is the Pilot with all the best jokes. Is only going downhill from here.

Monkey in Space

People can't even do comedy anymore.

Monkey in Space

Fucking disgrace. Comedy is dead now.

Wow. This guy is fucking ruthless.

You'll get 2018-19 range and Elon will move to full time X-AI CEO.

I've gone once and never again. You don't go there for the quality but for the absurdly cheap price.

It appears that the point of view is from an object rotating around the black hole.

We need to be really careful with this. They should be allowed as long as they are willing to assimilate to a secular culture. Last thing the US needs is extreme religious groups with an axe to grind coming in. The best thing would be for other middle eastern countries to help these people.

Always check behind the dumpster of your local Wendy's for a good time. Bring cash.