Will gun close his wounds wounds?Question

Do you guys think gun will close his wound like Goo did when he fought tom? or will Ptj forget. Maybe he cant because Gun mentioned that the wound is deep so maybe he cant.

Only way the monster trio wins is if DG fights gitaee, gun fights seongi and goo fights the rest of the kings. because of the way goo fights with his sword he'll have the highest chance of finishing up the kings. But even then he'll probably lose there's just too many and they are strong enough to beat him if they get past his sword. Unless gun finish's off Seongi fast enough to save goo there finished.

also Mandeoks leg was wrapped around his arm stopping his arm from moving to absorb the impact

if gun dies Samuel's the one killing him

nah samuels going to crash out real soon. he's gonna be the key to the second generation winning

the crew heads and the workers are more invested in this fight then Zack and vasco. Its about time the workers trio got more development . just because he's going to be stronger now doesnt mean it will end up that way in the end.

Samuel is bout to have the most legendary crash out

Rin will barley block the ball causing it to go off course giving isagi the perfect opportunity to score and rin and kaiser will crash out because they both just assisted isagi by accident.

obtaining a perfect body isnt easy but u cant obtain the copy ability or ui

Most of his misses are from trying to expand his shooting range like he did in the u 20 game

Isagi will score the second goal and kaiser will land a perfect magnus shot for the final goal but Isagi will believe in him and steal the goal right before it goes in.

Samuel's chaotic asshole bro made xialoung bark for him XD

i just want Sinu han to pull up in the most bad ass way out of everyone in the second generation he deservers revenge the most and besides Daniel he's probably the strongest.

Taejin was put back in the fighting ring and stayed there until he became president, so i would say he almost spent 3 years there. The reason he got a temporary leave is because he becomes Goo's secret friend. His connection to Gitae probably happened after he became president. He probably also fought basement hulk multiple times before basement hulk grew stronger then him

Improving cheonliang arcDiscussion

Overall i enjoyed the cheonliang arc. alot of people have been saying that the kings should have had their own backstory because it took the focus away from vins crew. The changes I'm suggesting keep the ptjs main structure for the story while also improving fights, power scaling and character development.

First more focus should have been put on vins crew and how training was for them similar to how hostel and big deal were developed. This would make the arc a lot longer.

The Kojima brothers were hyped up a lot and fell short. this seems like a major waste especially since currently they are working for the workers so having them be stronger would make them a major threat. Each Kojima brother should have been given a threshold. The striking brother (SB) would have the threshold of power while the grappling brother (GB) has the threshold of toughness.

This would make the fight between the kojima brothers and Seongji Alot closer. The fight would start off the same way with SB exchanging blows with Seongji. SB will realize hes taking alot more damage then Seongji because Seongji has two thresholds which will cause GB to start tanking hits for SB so SB can land hits against Seongji. Just like how Samuel tanked for Eli. Seongji will struggle with trying to get them off of him and eventully GB will attempt to use his grappling against Seongji and thats when Seongji will turn the fight around by countering with his Ssireum to slam GB into SB. The fight ends With Seongji repeatedly slamming GB into SB until SB cant fight and then finishing GB off with a punch.

This fight will keep the Kojima brothers as a major threat for allied. James lee vs Seongji will be the same. But Jichang will be confirmed to have the strength threshold. Just like before he will fight both kojima brothers on his own but instead of 1 shotting them he will struggle but the fight will end with Jichang faking a attack on GB but switching and hitting SB knocking him out and then finishing GB. he does this because SB has the strength threshold and GB has the toughness threshold.

James lee will still escape in the same way but he will comment on how Jichang might evolve like Seongji did soon. Jichang will blame himself for James lee escaping and will train for when he meets James again and he will unlock the speed threshold.

When Gitae kim comes for jichang they will exchange blows and then Gitae kim will comment on how they have the same thresholds unlocked. Jichang will respond by saying that he's glad to fight him before he meets that monster again Gitae will ask him if he's referring to James and he will say they are equals and Jichang will tell him he awakened a third threshold. Gitae kim will feel inferior to James lee and lose focus on the fight and Jichang will notice this and attempt to finish him. but as the fight goes on Gitae kim starts taking less damage from his hits and then it will be reveled he used his inferiority complex to enter heatmode and awaken the threshold of thoughness at the same time. Gitae will then quickly overpower Jichang and the fight will end the same way it did before.

When Gitae kim calls James, James will reveal he sent him after Jichang because he thought he would be able to trigger his awakening like Seongji triggered his.

no what he wouldn't be come a good person again if he got trained by goo. he would become a villain like goo is and would be Daniels opposite. He would just be badass like olly was

If Ptj didnt listen to the fans Jiho would have had the same glowup that olly wang did. Nobody like olly before his training with gun turned him into a badass, if jiho was trained by goo he would also become a fan favorite. Jiho and olly were written to be unlikeable on purpose but that doesn't mean they are badly written character.

yeah im guessing it wont unless jichang has a awakening too like seongji did