I want england to win it all just because yall hating on them

Fold the bills in half and put them back in your wallet

Theres a bunch of unmentionable stocks that might go up this week/next week.

Eating fake meat playing games while listening to headphones from a small bs company that is already up in the premarket.

Im throwing some loose change at them because why tf not

Faraday cage to stop the dutch mind controlling him

They all wait for our lord and saviour jerome to speak

Chinese shit.

Like all my respect to chinese people but their government and corporations are shit

Austia romania would be a fun match up to watch

In the first half..

Then the winged hussars arrived

Im proud to pay high taxes especially here in qc and have nothing to show for it. Dont get me wrong i dont mind taxation, but fkn do smth with that money that benefits society

Smaller countries are developping. While on an individual level they are not as good, they have good tactics to counter the stronger sides.

I love this tournament so far

Someone should bring them some flags n shit next time lol

Learn to use the laptop without a mouse, it helps.

When i was an am at amazon years ago i would always work on the floor with the team. My laptop stand would be any empty gaylord or stacked pallets. Obviously a mouse would be very inconvenient.

Expect at least a 1 dollar move on spy before eod. Could be up or down but its been doing that shit for a while now

Yep balls deep in that one.. so buy puts if you wanna make money lol