My trans son is a sub in this district (if you are where I think you are in Nevada and not north) and had a very masculine voice with a dead female name (now changed). Never had an issue.

I just got a paper back for only professional communication as well. This is masters number 2 and I have never used Grammarly before. I put it through, made corrections and resubmitted. Hoping for the best.

Oh, that’s Las Vegas. If you start with a Masters you will make more. Salary table is public.

For me one of the weird things is that o my teachers are held to task for kids’ test scores. The actual person who can control that outcome is pretty much unaware of those. Why do we give high stakes tests and then not expect the student to own that? Sure results are mailed home. No one cares. Then the teacher has to be the one to be told they failed because the students didn’t pass. But I have seen many students just click through the test. And many didn’t make any attempt at learning the material when it was taught. Why should they? There are no repercussions.

Oh, no state income tax, paid retirement into state program so no FICA withdrawals. So maybe it’s better than it seems. Still not enough tho.

Las Vegas starts ours at 17.28 an hour. (I am a teacher, not sure how this ended up on my FYP). Which is not nearly enough.


We have lots of openings and no winter though.

I know. But it is getting really bad. I got a ticket in the mail from Phoenix lol. Several years ago. Never sped there again.

Honestly, I wish they’d just ticket them off the camera records like they do in AZ. Today I saw the car next to me slow almost to a stop as we came to the yellow light. After it turned red he gunned it and went through.

I am a teacher with fish and I use a vacation feeder and go in a few times in the summer. However, our custodian did offer to feed my fish if I forget or am out of town.

My son had emergency gall bladder removal three weeks ago at St Rose Siena after going to the ER. His surgeon was from Nevada Surgery Specialists, Dr Fikre Mengistu

Sorry. As a parent, I did not understand the process at first. However, my son educated me well. Maybe a little more conversation about people who didn’t change their minds. There is a lot out there about detransitioners right now.

I teach science and have glasses for my third grade students who I will have at the time of the eclipse, which is only 57% here. Our district science sent an email with indications of which grade standards would fit best and a list of approved eclipse glasses. My fellow specialists will be assisting me in monitoring the 100 grade 3 students. My fear is that several classroom teachers of other grades want to take their classes out. No idea if they will monitor etc…

Here in Vegas we have about 2500 vacancies in our district. Come on down, but it’s hot af in the summer.

I love how you took a non political issue and skewed it into one. Not. 🙄 Your post makes no sense in many levels.

33 years this year. I have always worked at inner city at risk sites. Are the kids less prepared academically? Not really. There are not meaningful interventions though so students that are behind tend to stay behind. Kids are not motivated by test scores unless they are intrinsically motivated anyway. I am seeing curriculum shift back to drill and practice. Education has ever suffered from swinging from one end of things to the other. It is time for things to change in a meaningful way. The students we see are different primarily because screens have given them immediate feedback, a variety of topics and input methods. They lack desire because the learning isn’t relative to them. Short answer, no the kids aren’t really different and no the support for teachers isn’t different. The entire system has been struggling the entire time I have taught, lack of funding, curriculum swings, new pedagogy every other year; We have always been looking for that magic thing that will save every student. Truth is, teaching is a humanistic endeavor and therefore contains no absolutes as to what is effective. Smaller classes, better teacher training, and less focus on test scores would help. System needs a major overhaul to really be viable though.

That’s exactly how I felt. It was so random.

Had this issue, did everything possible. Nothing worked. On a whim I turned on the subject line option. Bingo. I’m in. Weird.

You think it’s butter, but it’s not, it’s chiffon! The ad jingle has descended on me.