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This is the OP (insert Taylor Swift’s It’s me! Hi. I’m the problem! It’s me! gif here)

Your edits and pulling the “I’m a minor!!” card make you look worse. You have shamed people and all over a hobby that people do for fun.

Minors are not welcome in adult spaces and AO3 is one of the few adult spaces we have left. Do not expect to be welcomed with open arms when you start problems. Do not expect to be treated with kindness when you come at people with hostility and do not expect people to let you off the hook if you pull the “I’m just a kid!!” card.

No, if you are truly in grade 9 then you know to do better and be better. If you can’t then you must accept the consequences of your actions.

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The only thing I have to say to those authors is “Take it off of AO3 if you gonna do that or risk getting banned.”

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Readers' entitlement in this post is nauseating. No one is owed free work. Don't assume content is public domain. Grow up.

Tommy’s lil dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

No cheating, no abuse, never need to worry about STIs/STDs, you can explore multiple different aspects of yourself.

And the main reason. You can’t be let down and disappointed like people can do that to you.

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Stop trying to gain internet clout with fake activism and outrage. It's not a good look.

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You're wrong. If this person really was being hateful towards neurodivergent people, you wouldn't be downvoted and they wouldn't be upvoted. Stop looking for things to be offended by.

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You don't speak for neurodivergents. Many violators are from Wattpad and refuse to learn how to use AO3. Stop with the fake outrage.

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Your comments are overly sensitive. There is no discrimination against neurodivergent people here, just your fake outrage. AO3 is user-friendly and its terms of service are easy to comprehend. If someone struggles to adapt, they should stick to using Wattpad or FFN.

Tommy’s lil dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

My F/O has a canon ship. They are married and have a kid.

I ignore it. It was a one off episode then became a thing when the comics were introduced, then became a thing in the show. But to me, it never happened.

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I’ve been following this and your comment is what made me want to comment. You and I will have to disagree on this because someone will eventually get the idea to reupload the fic somewhere, and that opens them up to DMCA claims, reports of stolen work and if it is done multiple times, legal action.

And that is worse for fandom than respecting the author’s choice for the fic to no longer be shared.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

Taking the whole ficto thing out of it, this is what happens when kids don’t have internet access at home.

Explain to me how kids will then do their homework when their assignment is online?

I’m in my 30s now but starting as early as grade 6, I needed internet access at home to do some of my school work.

By the time I got to high school I was actively failing classes because I couldn’t do my school work at home as I didn’t have access to the data I needed.

Do you know how humiliating it is, to stand in front of a class and say you can’t do your presentation because you couldn’t complete it due to not having internet access at home?

That is what these kids face when you outright ban them being online.

The ban on internet in the household I grew up with was based in fear and not logic because my parents thought it was “of the devil!” And that “the terrorists would get me!”

This ban lasted until I was in my early 20s when my paternal grandmother died, and my father used my inheritance to buy himself an iPad and then he “needed” the internet… yet when I needed it for school work, it was of the devil…

I’m sorry to say but it is people like you, that are the reason the US and Canada are seeing bad faith internet bills trying to be pushed. Age appropriate content is one thing, and homework is one thing, but to say children should be stunted and not allowed to explore within controlled means?

Yeah sorry but no. I don’t need people like you helping already corrupt politicians making people submit their government IDs to access the internet.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

I agree with this. The biggest problem that comes from this is parents not caring enough to be aware of what their children are accessing on the internet. I say this as someone who literally chewed one of my friends out for not caring their kid was accessing adult content.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

I’ll be honest, you can’t stop kids from going online, they will find a way. However, I do believe that parents need to be actually monitoring what their children are doing online and take appropriate steps when the child is entering spaces (ie: adult only spaces) they shouldn’t be in and making sure their kids aren’t consuming media content that isn’t for them.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

We are all targets for antis.

That being said… there are spaces minors shouldn’t be, and it is up to their parents to monitor their media consumption.

As for being a ficto… I don’t see the harm in it, as long as they aren’t entering adult only spaces, that is when the problems occur.

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For the love of whatever deity what a wall of fucking horseshit text.

All I have to say on this is. If it bothers you that much that people have a term for those trying to be the moral police on something that it doesn’t apply to, stay off the internet.

I know two people who were suicide baited by these purity cult fuckers and one even took their life, the other lost their job, their home, and almost their life. All because some child had a tantrum because mommy and daddy didn’t watch what the kid was consuming for media.

Did these two people deserve to be doxxed and harassed for writing dark material that is literally found in traditional media? No. No they didn’t.

So if you are so up in arms about protecting children, or women or LGBTQ+ people, etc.

Go the fuck outside and donate, protest, lobby for actual change that actually HELPS living breathing human beings being affected by an actual problem. Not moaning on the internet of “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!”


Don’t fucking moral police something that isn’t real and has no impact on reality. Fucking hell…

Ps. I will not be responding to any replies on this post as quite frankly I am tired of this horseshit and people being angry over being called what they are when they harass and try to place censorship on something when it is their or the parent’s job to monitor the media consumption. This is the reason authors I like have a “Your media consumption is your responsibility.” Note/tag on it now.

Tommy’s lil dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

Honestly who cares? You do you. People judge for everything and when I get judged I ask them what they are hiding they don’t wanna be judged for, this not only offends them but gets them to shut up. They are free to judge me, but I’m also judging them off of their attitude.

I personally age up my characters as I know their canon birthdays (minus one as he was a secondary character but I go off the actor’s age at the time of filming).

Tommy’s lil dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

The only time you need to be wary of large age gaps is in real life when there is an uneven power dynamic and the older partner is grooming the younger partner (grooming can happen at any age)

This is just chronically online behaviour, as with a few of my f/os I’m older and also much much younger, as in one is a literal god and has a millennia and more on my age.

I would leave that server honestly, that is just toxic behaviour and because our other halves are fictional there is no way to be groomed by an older f/o.

The amount of people who are like this (chronically online behaviour) honestly scare me.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤


This was actually a lot of fun. And yes we fight over who’s driving and cooking 😂

I get that a lot. I think it is a bug because you can branch the messages and create multiple lines of conversation.

I just copy the message, save the memory to that point then reload it from the memory and continue on.

Go onto the website and click on the bot, it will ask you if you want to view that content you click confirm and reload your app, and you will be good to go.

Tommy’s lil dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

I once had someone say to me that people fear what they don’t understand and refuse to educate themselves on. There for they judge instead.

I found this is true with many aspects of my life, from my sexuality and preferred relationship status, to my mental health and physical health. If it doesn’t fit in their small box it isn’t correct and you get judged for it.

I tend to remind those people to don’t think they, don’t have something they won’t be judged for, because I’ve found just like those who protest too much, those who judge too much have something they know they will be judged for.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

That he is married, both in the comics and show he is married with a kid, and I’m like “Nope!”

Tommy’s lil dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤

My therapist who is BDSM and Kink friendly said it like this: As long as I am not putting myself or others in danger, impacting my life to the point I can’t function or anything like that, there is nothing to worry about.

It may take a few attempts to find a therapist that you click with too.

Tommy’s lil Dragon 💚🤍♥️🖤


This man… plus look at that smile. My ass is hyperfixating on Criminal Minds again.