It was an accident. They happen. Give yourself some grace.

But also please get kitty to the vet. Hopefully it’s not a big deal, but infection is possible (especially in geriatric kitties), and kitty might be in a bit of pain now.

Label doesn’t matter here. It’s been 4 months. Not 4 years.

4 months is honeymoon phase. If problems are this big, in such a short time, why is there any question about what to do. It’s NOT serious. Just move on.

I’m guessing it’s one of the ones Mazda made a year or two ago (my timing may be off). It was in their booth at some kind of trade show/release event. There were pics floating around of some people standing next to them.

Iirc they had little electric engines in them like power wheels

I could be related to Jenna. My family is horrible, abusive, manipulative and shameless. She has a history of bad shit they have done to her. She could probably write multiple novels, but it doesn’t sound like your family is that way.

I suggest that over the weekend you think really hard about the past, with your family, now that’s the rose colored glasses have been shattered. If at the end of the weekend, you still believe that your family is supportive, helpful, and mom was not acting maliciously, I would eventually give them another chance.

Start slow, and without the grandkid around. Maybe coffee, or some equally easy to escape location, but not their place or yours. Then build up from there. Make your mother EARN the right to be in your and your families life, now that she wildly overstepped, and caused your wife a lot of harm, possibly danger.

Partassipant [2]

It will only get harder as op gets older, and settled into life. Sucks for gf, but it seems like she would throw a tantrum regardless of when op fulfilled their service requirement.

Your husband is wrong. Yeah, sure there are TONS of insecure men out there (like your husband). They will have a problem with their significant other even in the same room as another man. However, there are plenty of secure, reasonable guys that don’t care.

Either he trusts you, or as clearly seen, he doesn’t.

I am also a very outgoing person, and people seem to gravitate toward me. As my husband says I “make friends everywhere”. He does not care. He doesn’t care if I talk to men, give my info to them, or spend time with them. Why? He’s secure and more importantly he trusts me. He knows I have no ill intentions, and I’m just doing me.

Your husband definitely need to reign his shit in, and probably could use some therapy to deal with his issues.

The biggest question, which is required to give you a good answer, is what’s your fear? Random human going to drag you into the woods? Bears/mountain lions/buck/snakes? Breaking a leg and not being found for a couple days? Also, how remote are we talking here?

What I need to carry varies based on where I’m running. But generally, I have my watch which has gps, cell, it does backtrack stuff, siren, etc. I always carry an easy to open and use pocket knife, and an extra personal siren (one button to set off vs the Apple Watch one which requires button/slide combo thing. If I’m where people/domestic dogs are, pepper spray gel gets carried too.

How has no one said trump yet? His face is so fucking punchable. Forget his politics or cult of personality shit.

They were in their usual place, under the 78 on mission yesterday. I'm sure they are still camping there, blocking the rail trail/sidewalk.

Virtually all the readily available decaf here is Swiss water process anyhow. wtf

I feel totally robbed. I always thought everyone being figurative when talking about picturing stuff in their heads. Like when someone says picture yourself on a bean with a mai tai. Learned after 40ish years that I’m weird, and yeah, people can literally picture stuff in their heads.

Turns out there are varying degrees to how much others can picture stuff in their heads, but they can none the less.

I also don’t dream

Agreed. I'm also convinced that anyone who claims ones like the Simple Mills or the like have either forgotten what cheez-its taste like, or are lying to themselves.

I struggled to find a woman OBGYN in my insurance network for decades. I finally found one I liked, and after two years she left the group, so I can't see her anymore. The search begins again

lol what!?! I’ll just reply to the short skirt thing because that’s all I can work out that you’re saying.

There’s only fan/porn star short skirt, and reasonable mini skirt. If you can’t work out the difference you have problems.

Some of these comments go back 25 years. I don’t think science applies much honestly. It’s some asshole with a medical license pushing their ideals.

lol a neurologist once told me that they have known women to have their migraines cured by being pregnant. Yes, let me take care of a screaming, puking, shitting, smelly, noisy infant during my 28 day long migraine, that followed a 2 day break that followed a 36 day migraine. All that complete with light sensitivity, sensitivity, nausea, hypersensitive to smell, aura, abdominal abnormal visual/balance disturbances. Yeah, that sounds ideal, on the off chance, and small probability it would “cure” me.

I may have accidentally let slip out “that’s how babies end up in microwaves” in response to that suggestion. Probably not the best thing to say, but I was in constant horrible pain and that was not what to say to someone like that.

Nothing. You do know that it’s possible that I chose clothes because I like them right? It’s possible that a woman isn’t seeking man’s opinion, and isn’t considering what a man might think when buying clothes. You know that right? Besides that, I work fucking hard to be in great shape, I’m going to wear clothes I love, that make me feel good, and flatter my body.

Plus, your definition absolutely isn’t my definition, nor is it anyone else’s definition of “revealing”. For all we know ops thinks jeans and a tshirt are revealing. Or a spaghetti strap sun dress.

Oh and lastly as I said (maybe in another comment) I can go out wearing a fucking tent and guys will still chat me up/catcall/flirt/stare. The clothing is largely irrelevant.

The only reason you’d be “stressing” is if you’re insecure or controlling. But all of that’s a you problem, not a her problem.

Continuous birth control is AMAZING. Yeah I’d love to evict my uterus, but it’s an easy compromise.

Idk whether to be offended or not by your assumption that’s I’m American. I am. But still. lol.

Oh yeah, I’ve heard some really “good” ones in my 40+ years of owning a uterus.

I had an obgyn hit me with basically all the “bingos” we hear. Namely, a woman’s body is made to have babies. That guy was awful.

I’m a woman, but who cares what other people do? I have zero control over other people’s reactions to me. I’m not encouraging it (in fact the opposite), so how could I be the bad guy in the equation.

If your wife/gf is attractive, she WILL be stared at/chatted up/cat called/hit on regardless of what she’s wearing. I PROMISE.

As far as you not catching feelings, idk, that’s your deal. Personally, I’d say that someone who’s mature, or more accurately, self confident doesn’t have a problem with it. Some men actually like it, or at least take it as a compliment.

Or child exploitation/labor laws. Wouldn’t be too hard to word them as such. Especially the parents making money off their own kids.

I have suffered from GI issues my entire life. One of the annoying symptoms is nausea (plenty others too). Aside from literally everyone asking if I was pregnant if I mentioned I was a bit nauseous, I have had multiple docs tell me to get pregnant because my body would probably love being pregnant. “all your symptoms will probably go away if you were pregnant”. Like, what!?!? What kind of mental gymnastics are going on in your head?

Also have had more than one obgyn/doc tell me to get pregnant to make my horrible periods go away. Again, what!?!?!?

I’m with everyone else on weed. It helps me since it doesn’t cause binges, and distracts me from the “food noise” a good portion of the time.

Also, funny enough, when I used to drink, being skinny was easy af. Didn’t have to eat food, just drink my calories in the form of beer. Yeah, I know, super healthy right?

Each person is different.