How would it not be an official act for Biden to drone strike an American citizen that happened to be a rapist, fraudster, involved in insurrection that was creating a threat to the American constitution and democracy?

I bet the devs had an absolutely hilarious time coming up with that dialogue. And I’ll also bet at least one of those devs went home thinking damn that sounds like me.

The only thing to focus on now is not to convince or build bridges or common ground or anything. The only thing to focus on is to get the Dem voters out on election day or mail in ballot or whatever. Vote vote vote.

Imagine rugby but with the player with the ball in their hands allowed to punch and kick anyone.

That doesn’t make sense. They could release said video and no one would see it because it would be CSAM. Even if they did, MAGAts would dismiss it as a deep fake. Sorry but the kompromat theory doesn’t make much sense.

It’s not a big concern. The ‘top’ universities like the ones mentioned would become shit and we’d be selecting from shit universities.

Where does it say so in any constitutional type document? Cars didn’t even exist when the country was formed. Cars were imposed on us by the industry and are an unnecessary tax leaching off of us.

What’s stupid about it? Fewer car parking spaces->fewer cars in the area-> less congestion-> more impetuous for bike lanes and transit

I’ve lived in countries with poor planning. When population increased, parking became a daily battle to put it mildly. Then they got the genius idea of charging for public parking and voila, you could find parking everywhere easily when you wanted it. Suddenly new apartments were getting built with parking levels.

Same thing happened with highways.

You spammed a bunch of links and jumped to conclusions and extrapolations. And I didn’t address your comments directly because you’re too far gone, stubbornly set in your thoughts. No amount of evidence, measured reasoning will get through your emotions. I get it you’re scared.

before wealthy PC donors like the Aspers made him apologize for asking for a mere investigation.

How exactly does this work? You make a political contribution to the candidate directly, claim it for a tax credit, and then once elected, the candidate’s staff is more likely to let you speak with the new MP? Then when you get on the phone with them, you give them an earful about why their stance is unacceptable? Never actually explicitly threaten to pull your monthly/yearly political contribution to them?

Maybe leave research and critical thinking to those less gullible than you.

Businesses will have to raise wages till the labour market clears.

Never happened with me. I’m polite, understand mistakes happen, they always apologize, don’t even check my receipt and just give me what I want right away. Once they even brought it to my table with some free stuff. Maybe the problem is with the customers claiming to get bad service. Same branches give a hard time to trashy rude people.