Id be crying out of happiness. Please no pierre.

Are you talking about reship companies? Ie companies who will ship products to your country that might not otherwise be available to ship internationally?

Shipping anything from Japan internationally is not going to be cheap. But I do find bulk buying a couple months worth of products at time the best bang for my buck. The cheapest so far I found is Fedex. I just had 2 × 20lb packages shipped from Japan to Canada for $100 each (included the reshippers fees) thru the reship company I use.

How else would they know we are the ones in control and they are prey!

Even 110-120lbs is a perfectly healthy for an adult woman of average height (5'4" and shorter for 110lbs + 5'7" and shorter for 120lbs). It doesnt make someone a minor or anorexic.

135lbs is far from anorexic unless you 5'11 or taller. 135lbs can be a healthy weight for most women.

If it wasnt kids involved Id say you are right but trying to protect kids from deadly diseases is worth it.

She should feel like crap. And a CPS visit should be in her future.

No one is saying to ignore physical limitations. They are just saying do some sort of activity or you will face even more mobility problems as you age. Being fat (depending on how fat) can cause physical limitations itself. You dont even need to exercise to be within a healthy weight range.

You are not wrong. You are both adults and consented to it. You are both winning. Go get a post nuptial agreement and protect yourself in case of divorce.

No its not. Just a husky maybe some malamute.

Legs are too short and spaced too far apart at the chest, wrong head shape, too short/wrong shape of snout.

Mine would if I didnt watch him. Thankfully in his 6 years he has only got 1 mouse. My only advice is watch them very closely and be aware when any small animal is near him.

You are not alone in having no regrets or feeling sad or guilty about having an abortion. I feel the same way about my own. Everyones experience is different and yours is valid.

Mine just yells. As it means we are going hiking and he loves it. But hes a husky, so yelling is just normal.

No not really. 50 isnt that old. She'd easily blend in with other woman who were 50 (late 40s, early 50s).

They should be more worried about skin cancer if they are not using sunscreen. Even worse they are likely not using sunscreen on their kids.

She does look older than early 30s. Atleast as far as the average early 30s woman.

Thats not fair for anyone. She needs a special "school", not a gen ed program where she causes distractions and assaults students. This inclusion gone wrong and the parents should be ashamed that they are subjecting other people to her violent/aggressive and disruptive behaviours.

I am betting there was no reprecussions or changes in her placement after the assault? It sounds like she needs significant behavioral help before she can even begin to be expected to learn the typical curriculum. She shouldnt be in a gen ed setting as its not helping her and she is a danger to those around her.

Its all about appearing to be good and moral not about whats right for the students. Every last student is suffering and not receiving the help they need to exceed because of it.

Rome collapsed under its own weight.

EAs are not qualified to come up with lesson plans. Inclusion has shown to mildly beneficals to those who higher needs but also deterimental to "regular" students especially in the cases with violent or disruptive students. The same when there are student who do not do grade appropriate course work, it shows the other students they dont need to care/try because they will get passed regardless. Inclusion is a part of the problem in this situation, its increasing the stress on education system(including students and teachers) that is already stretched too thin. Inclusion is not the main problem but it is a factor.

More funding is required either way (full inclusion or not) but I just cant see how we could pretty much double the education budget (if not more) so full inclusion could stand a chance at maybe working. Especially when social services and healthcare are also massively underfunded.

Yes we need to start placing more value on education but that wont happen under UCP and even questionable under other parties. Socially funded programs dont have the luxury of unlimited budgets. We have to balance the cost on meeting everyones needs and it has to be cost effective. Placing students with a wide variety of needs, educational levels that require more support and staff without trying to group them by those requirements is just not cost effective or benefical to any students in the long run. It is significant when its resulting in assaults on staff/students, destruction of property, students not reaching their full potential and teachers/EAs stretched far too thin.