Redditors Still doing Trail Things 'Week' 8 - The one where they all have a Trail Days post.Redditors on the Trail

It’s the ‘week’ 8 update! Trail Days happened. Memorial Day happened. And that must mean we’re in full swing for hiking season!

Feel free to sign up now even if you’re not going to be on the trail for a while yet. We won’t start posting your updates until they become trail related. There are a handful of people that have signed up that either have their profiles private, or did not include their Reddit account, making it impossible to reach out to them. I can’t message a person that doesn’t have an account to send to.


Link to Sign Up

Introduction Post

Here are the folks that are progressing down the trail!


Heather + Chuck on Instagram and Youtube - That’s a damn fine picture of a knob you got there. Virginia Blues for real.


Ben on Youtube and Instagram- It’s not a real thru-hike unless you have to leave the trail for someone’s graduation in the middle of it. 600 miles ain’t no joke though, even with the storms rolling in.


Matt on their Personal Blog - Good news; trail days was fantastic… except for the rainstorm. Less good news, knee injuries where doctor’s tell you to stay off the trail for a few weeks. 500 miles ain’t no joke, and the plan is to rest that knee and get back on the trail.


Spark on their Instagram- Hike in the hiker parade so that you at least get 1 shower on the trail. Then become a trail boss and continue on.


Bartbug on their Personal Blog and Youtube - Laying in a shelter while it storms outside (and not on me) is one of the best experiences of my life.


Eric on their Instagram - Not to be a broken record but trail days. And then i guess mile 600 or something cool like that.


Riley on their Instagram - The soakies bring you some of the best moments of your hike and some of the worst moments of your hike. But then you get to Gatlinburg and discover that your entire life is a lie.


Longwood on his Instagram - It’s funny, I’ve only seen that Carver’s Gap view when it was all snow and frost. And I would recommend not getting poison ivy, or if you do, rub it on as many people as possible to build immunity.


Derek on Instagram - McAfee Knob ain’t the only knob around these parts, Harvey has one too!


Xander on Instagram - RIP another person who changed their instagram name and now the link is dead.


Gator Youtube - Flip Floppin’ his way up beyond Delaware Water Gap. I do love crossing a bridge, as I’ve mentioned many times.


Zen on Instagram and Tik Tok - A newcomer for this week. I make no promises on the TikTok formatting but they have their AT tag and most importantly have a photo of the orange cat from mountain Crossings.


These folks are either off trail or haven’t updated in awhile. Give them a look-see


Ricky Bobby on Youtube and Instagram


Hobear on Youtube and their Personal Blog


Explorgaytion on Instagram


Chris Kelley on their Personal Blog


It's getting hot out and stuff so make sure you bring more water and drink it.

Hoosier Hikes

No idea what this is supposed to mean. Did you post in the wrong thread?

Hoosier Hikes

/u/Eastern-Beach5486 If you need a shuttle driver contact one of the many in this list

Hoosier Hikes

Shuttles. See the pinned post at the top of the subreddit or the ones in the sidebar. Has a list of shuttle drivers and where on the trail they drive to.

Is this the spot with the signs at the top of the dune telling people "this is hard, we will not rescue you, and if we have to, you will be charged"

Hoosier Hikes

Bears are thought to have the best sense of smell of any animal on earth. For example, the average dog’s sense of smell is 100 times better than a human’s. A blood hound’s is 300 times better. A bear’s sense of smell is 7 times better than a blood hound’s or 2,100 times better than a human’s.

Hoosier Hikes

Or someone threw away the diet box because it was empty and the next person to come in noticed no diet box and is letting you know. If your dander is raised enough that you had to come here upset that someone sent such a benign message to you, you need some thicker skin.

And that isn't what the gift horse saying is referring to.

Hoosier Hikes

I guess we are reading it differently. You left a sign telling people to contact you when the soda was running low. Maybe they thought the diet drinks had run out and were telling you with the added tidbit that they are diabetic. Or even just suggesting diet drinks would be appreciated if you normally don't leave them.

If you view this as a complaint, that's a pretty low bar.

The Big #2

You've known your gay best friend and boyfriend for about the same amount of time (5 months and a few months). I fully understand your boyfriends stance of not wanting you to have sleepovers with your friend.

Do you know that your friend actually got ditched or this was just their way of sleeping over anyway?

You are NTA because you were helping out someone that was in a crappy situation, but you barely know your 'best' friend.

Redditor's Meandering Along the Trail - Revenge of the 7th (week)Redditors on the Trail

Feel free to sign up now even if you’re not going to be on the trail for a while yet. We won’t start posting your updates until they become trail related. There are a handful of people that have signed up that either have their profiles private, or did not include their Reddit account, making it impossible to reach out to them. I can’t message a person that doesn’t have an account to send to.


Link to Sign Up

Introduction Post

Here are the folks that are sprogressing down the trail!


Heather + Chuck on Instagram and Youtube - Ponies! And a quarter way into the trail, but ponies!


Ricky Bobby on Youtube and Instagram- First grouse thru-hiker confirmed.


Ben on Youtube and Instagram- I really do love the giant AT arrow on that barn. In Damascus but not for trail days, just stopping by to eat and watch the cows wade around.


Matt on their Personal Blog - 20 miles by 4pm, or as my fellow hikers like to call it, a Tuesday.


Spark on their Instagram- Water source tried to kill them, but then they aquablazed to get revenge.


Bartbug on their Personal Blog and Youtube - Better to stand on the bunion than have the bunion stand on your


Eric on their Instagram - It’s the Damascus marathon because it’s 26.2 miles of hiking and you end at the Marathon Gas Station. Just like the ancient Greeks did.


Riley on their Instagram - Climbing out of the NOC is probably the greatest experience on the trail. Fill up on good food on an oft used nero/zero day and then haul that newfound food baby up a steep mountain just for giggles.


Longwood on his Instagram - That is a comically fat bear in a tree. Baby’s are super cute though.


Derek on Instagram - It’s actually illegal to get a haircut while on trail. Little known fact.


Xander on Instagram - Foggy or Smoky, you be the judge.


Don’t have one yet on Youtube - Another flip flopper here, starting out at Harper’s Ferry and heading northbound.


These folks are either off trail or haven’t updated in awhile. Give them a look-see


Hobear on Youtube and their Personal Blog


Explorgaytion on Instagram


Chris Kelley on their Personal Blog


Happy Mother’s Day y’all. It’s been real nice the last couple weeks so I hope everyone’s been getting outside.

Hoosier Hikes

The FAQ will have a lot of basic info for your questions, including a section that talks about being lightweight (pack wise) on a budget. The host of that site has kept it fairly updated.

Did you have an actual distance you wanted to go for? I don't know if you're dead set on the AT, but the Long Trail up in Vermont is 271 miles long and includes 100ish miles of the AT and sounds like it would be pretty great for a first go around. Usually takes people around 3 weeks.

Hoosier Hikes

Depends a bit on the length and location of the section hike but for something like a few days, yes. The main benefits are that you don't have to sweat hiking at a pace to arrive when the shuttle driver does at the end. And probably even better, when you're done you just hop in your car and drive off.

If something happens and you're going much slower than expected, you dont have to sweat the driver being booked later, or it being a weekend, or too late in the day, or anything. Your car doesn't care. I will add, be sure you are parking it someplace reasonably safe. Many hostels on the trail will let you park with them for a nominal fee. Cuts down on the chance of mischief with your car.

Hoosier Hikes

Flip that around. Park at point A and get a shuttle to point B, then hike back to your car. Way easier to schedule than trying to time a shuttle getting to your end point. The pinned post in the subreddit has a huge list of shuttle drivers depending on where you want to hike at.

Hoosier Hikes

Remember, practice safe hiking and always wear a poncho when you expect to get wet

A whole lot of words to explain how his wife intentionally smashed his hobby beehive and laughed about it like it was silly to care.
My (30M) Wife (31 F) doesn't appreciate my bees, I'm considering divorce. What should I do?

My wife (31 F) and I (30M) have been married for 5 years now. I work mainly in accounting and personal finance advice while my wife is a math teacher at our local high school. Recently I have been researching and preparing to start a bee colony as I have been interested in bees for a long time and have recently reached a place financially where both me and my wife are able to pay bills and have bees. Before I did anything I spoke with my wife about my research and plan to get the bees, at first she had some apprehensions but we talked through them. Once we were both on the same page I found an artificial beehive and contacted a professional beekeeper to help with the bee process and so I began my bee journey.

A week or two later my wife comes home, while I'm making dinner, and tells me she invited a few work friends (all 31 F) over for dinner tomorrow. I say that's fine and continue making dinner until she requests that I move my beehive, the exchange went something like this.

Wife: "While I clean the house would you mind moving your hive? It's an eyesore."

Me: "I'm sorry, but what do you mean by eyesore? It's outside and has plenty of distance between itself and the house."

Wife: "I know, but I want it further back it doesn't match the house and I don't want my work friends thinking I let this house go into chaos when I'm not around."

At this point I had finished dinner and was setting up the table when I asked her, "why is this an issue now? Didn't we agree on the placement before I even got the hive? And besides it's hard to move a hive once it's been placed, where were you thinking of moving it?" She responded that she didn't care she just didn't want to see it. After that we sat down for dinner and I asked again where she wanted me to move the hive, stating that the closest forest wasn't on our property and the second option would be by the back porch. My wife repeated her answer, that she didn't care she just didn't want to see it and we continued on as normal, we ate, we cleaned the house in preparation, did our respective night time routines then went to bed.

The next day my wife and I wake up around 5:00 am, do our morning routines, eat breakfast and head to work. Around 4:00 my wife calls me while I'm still at work, (the high school gets done around 3:00), I excuse myself from a conversation I was having with a co-worker and I go to a quiet corner of the break room. I pick up and my wife starts screaming at me that I didn't move the hive and now her work friends have to see my "hideous" bee hive. I try and get her to calm down by apologizing and saying I forgot and that I can drive over and move it quick, my wife cuts me off and says it's too late and she'll do it herself before she hangs up. I'm standing in the break room confused and angry so I try and focus on my work and deal with it later. I get home that night to my wife sitting at the table reading her book, she welcomes me home and I ask about her day, she says "it was good, a little stressful but nothing I couldn't handle". I then decide to bite the bullet and ask about the hive and how she handled it.

Wife: "Oh yeah! Your bees I almost forgot, it was hard moving the bee hive because the bees kept stinging me so when I tried to set it down it fell and broke so I left it there because it is your hive after all."

Me: "You broke my hive?! How long has it been sitting like that?!"

Wife: "It's been like that since I called you."

I looked out of the window to see my hive laying on the ground, parts of the walls were broken as well as the legs and other crucial parts of the hive. When I took a step outside to get a closer look I saw my bees flying around unsure of where to go, I called the beekeeper contact and asked for a description of the damage. When I told him he said that there isn't much he can do but he'll call a friend to try and fix the things they can, I thanked him, hung up the phone and walked back inside feeling defeated. When I re-entered the house I walked upstairs not even glancing at my wife. I took a shower and cried, my dream of having a bee hive of my own was gone and there wasn't much I could do. When I got out of the shower my wife was already in bed, I crawled in next to her and laid awake for hours questioning our relationship and "if she really loves me why didn't she leave the hive alone?" I have been contemplating divorce as I realized that after she destroyed my hive she has never once apologized nor does she seem empathetic in the slightest, I tried asking for an apology and all I got was "why should I apologize for doing you a favor?" I never asked for an apology since and I'm wondering how I never noticed this behavior from her before and I don't know what to do. Deep down I still love her but she also can't understand why I'm so upset. What should I do?

TLDR: My wife of 5 years destroyed my dream beehive, never apologized and sees it as a favor. What should I do?

LockedThe Big #2
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Hoosier Hikes

And I was just pointing out it was in the sidebar as well. Don't need to get your dander up, thanks for helping out.

Hoosier Hikes

Ah yes, the 3 categories of food




(Cool you're doing this, I still have my deuce)

Hoosier Hikes

Anyone looking for this post after the fact, this is a repost karma farmer.

Here is the original Post 

Hoosier Hikes

Yes... because linking to every individual link from every site would be thousands of links. Postholer is in the sidebar.