Makes me wonder if WotC actually play tests before releasing cards

She's upset she hasn't been paid child support for months

Exactly, what the fuck is this Russian propoganda of a title anyways?

Well this is a few easy ones here:

  • Obama was black, the most serious of crimes here
  • Biden is old, AND a Democrat
  • Clinton had an affair, and got caught
  • Not really sure what her problem with Bush is, I'm sure it's something reasonable. It is MTG after all

That's high turnover. You have a total of 8 people who've been there less than a year. I don't think the payplan is all that great.

No one has ever died because of it being warm out? Huh, I guess heat stroke is another thing the libs created.

Yeah, but he's waited all this time. Plus there's the warranty.

I agree that the policies are bad. I have much schadenfreude watching people suffer from policies they supported.

I'm on the side of enjoying the leopards eating faces. I would love to see TX actually secede, and watch the shit show that's gonna be. I just don't like innocent people suffering, innocent people being the ones who don't want, and didn't vote for face-eating policies.

What, why? I am. Those people don't read, listen, or constructive think. They deserve everything they get. The only problem is the people who are suffering, and didn't vote for bullshit, pro-billionair policies.

Just make a 40K Sister's of Battle mini series, people would watch the fuck outta that

I feel the exact opposite as well. The Rock is always just The Rock. Cena has a wider range by far, and Bautista has the most range by a mile.

Dwayne Johnson. Kidding, it's actually Steven Seagal.

In all seriousness, Woody Harrelson kills it in everything I've seen him in. If he's in it, I'm probably watching.

I'm just asking, I don't know about the production of either film, what made Dances With Wolves harder to make?

I'm 100% with you. Dances With Wolves was epic, a great film. With that being said, Goodfellas should have won.

What's the over/under on more Republicans than Democrats committing voter fraud?