The entire Fast Times soundtrack is amazing

Also Kenny Loggins I’m All Right from Caddyshack. Who doesn’t love the dancing gopher? Lol

Ha the Dr. Seuss hat immediately made me think of that scene in Clueless when Amber is dancing with that guy in the Dr. Seuss hat. And then I remembered that someone is definitely wearing one in either my middle school or high school yearbook lol

Being a kid during the DZ party era was peak childhood.

A well fitting dress, especially when I accessorize it to the nines and do makeup for a fancy event.

He doesn’t need to save the country. Just electing him over Trump and voting down the ticket is enough. I mean, I don’t know how long we can keep hitting snooze on the doomsday button, but we have to try?

When we received our first refrigerated drug, we bought (maybe the sponsor bought or put funds toward) a refrigerator with a lock. We kept the key hidden in my boss’s desk, which was secured and she would lock at night. It was the size of a mini dorm fridge.

I’ve also had a situation where we added a lock to a refrigerator, so that’s always a possibility.

I’m sure you’ve seen this but it always cracks me up


One of our practitioners fell off a curb wrong and got a bad concussion (and maybe hemorragage), was out of work for 6-12 months because she couldn’t see patients because she couldn’t appropriately process and evaluate the things they would tell her. It’s insane and scary to see such a dramatic change from vivacious and sharp to slow and mumbling. It was a relief when she was finally “back.” Scary that some people never get there.

Loved it before I had my kids. Had to take a break once I got pregnant because I knew it would spike my anxiety. 7 years later had my third (and last!) baby and knew I was ready to watch it again. Netflix even remembered where I left off Ha!

I lost half a day of skiing

I loved this movie as a young teen! I didn’t realize then just how progressive(?) it was.

That’s a disappointment! I bought a Pearly Gates last year and it gave the most beautiful first flush in the nursery pot, but I wasn’t able to get it in the ground before pests took over. And then the hot crispy August was the final nail :(

Peace. I bought it at the nursery and it’s from Weeks, and I think it’s grafted. All my other roses are from DA or Heirloom and they’re doing amazing. The Peace’s canes started turning black within a few weeks, put out one sad bloom, and it’s just been slowly dying. I should probably get it out of the rose bed asap before it attracts worse rose disease(s) :/

I think even for moms at home with multiple children, and who had to shoulder absolutely all childcare and domestic work, something had to give, and that something was closeness and attention to babies. Being reassured that not spoiling them was a way to be a good parent and meet everyone’s needs was almost a completely necessary message for women in these positions.

I’m so sorry. I think this was a misstep on the part of the announcer. I wonder if they hadn’t announced her first, she and the group wouldn’t have felt so emboldened to boo. Trashy however it happened!

From one June bride to another, Happy Anniversary!! 🥂

No! Part of the reason I wanted to stay home for the first year was so that I wouldn’t have to pump. I’ve done the work pumping thing twice and it seriously sucks. And because there was no one we would be able to leave 3 small kids with during the first year, I had no need for a stash or bottles. Also he was a dream sleeper so no need to have my husband give a bottle at night.

I wish mine were this beautiful! So much hard work and talent here, thanks for sharing!

I feel like it’s a deliberate choice to drive people into air conditioned stores and restaurants to buy more things. There’s no way they haven’t thought through all the points you mentioned :/

It was disgraceful. The left’s reaction to this debate is what’s going to put the nail in the coffin, not the actual performance.

I think they’re worth trying. They’re not my favorite thing ever (something about the texture) but they’re decent, and if it makes meal prep faster and healthier I think that’s a win.

This is my mom exactly. Anything I’ve put a boundary on or had some kind of “perk” that she couldn’t, because of the times, she pushes against by insinuating I’m selfish/lazy/incompetent/etc. It’s actually pretty fucking awesome having an equal partner and it doesn’t make me lazy that he can give baths, change diapers, make dinner, or handle bedtime solo with 3 kids.

I don’t know anyone who cleans their baseboards more than once or twice per year, if that.