least horny r/196 user

If you didn’t wanna watch the whole show, the episodes regarding Domino Squad / Echo + Fives are some of the best to showcase this. I think some of those episodes are out of order chronologically but it’s still a good watch.

Derangement fits. I think about Godrick and his grafting, and while that isn’t the cause of his insanity and grotesque, it fits thematically. One of the first things we see Godrick do is unveil his fingers to reveal like, 7 or 8 fingers?

least horny r/196 user


:hidden: The Hidden

Necroposting a bit but this is absolutely how I see it too. Nezarec was the Witness’ favourite dog. A rabid dog that the Traveler bred (as the Witness sees it).

The Witness put Nezarec on a pedestal as a ‘look what you’ve done, this is why we need the Final Shape’.

Wow these comments suck.

What I’ve been doing is using one Dragon Slayers and one normal Great Katana in the left hand, with blade dance on it. Full dancer set + whatever talismans etc. it’s been hella fun stance breaking bosses while also pulling off bleed.

Of course idk if it’ll be optimisable to a crazy degree, there are better options, but I’m having fun with it!

This sounds beyond fucked up. I’m sorry you had to experience these people

:hidden: The Hidden

I’d argue Nezarec was the only one that any held any true weight in the eyes of the Witness, Atleast as much weight as a Disciple could have.

Since Nezarec spearheaded our own collapse, ostensibly others and was around a long ass time since numerous cultures in-universe have encountered Nezarec in some way. That’s how I see it anyway.

Seeker of Osiris

Necroposting a bit here, but the Elegant Guard shell just... fits my character so well. Something about it. The yellow eye? not sure. Had it since i got it.

See there you go again, looking for the rebel alliance on dantooine when it isn’t there

This is the most npc picture perfect bandit level dialogue ever. You sound like moff tarkin.

Not enough people saying Not Like Us

These cars shouldn’t be legal fr

Me when I spread misinformation

Luke Smith literally stated in the final shape showcase that this isn’t the end of Destiny 2, and certainly not the end of Destiny as a whole.

We know of Final Shape and the 3 episodes coming out throughout the year - that’s it. Everything beyond that isn’t public knowledge and that’s okay.

During Beyond Light we got TOLD about Witch Queen, Lightfall and Final Shape beforehand - just when they were working titles. They didn’t do that now, and that’s fine. Doesn’t mean it’s the end lmao

They siphoned my favourite shader and turned it into my favourite super so I ain’t mad



Yeah I wish I could give this comment gold fr

Copied OPs comment from another post for anyone asking the mod list showcased here ———

sorry video of it in action https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1cqkpsm/you_dont_need_100_mods_to_look_good_just_5_mods/ 

True Storms - Wasteland Edition (Thunder-Rain-Weather Redone)

True Nights (for True Storms with ENB)

True Sight - ENB preset for True Storms with True nights

Important in the enb settings shift+enter check cloud shadows, sky lighting, and skylight calculation (maybe named something else I forget)

Vivid Fallout - All in One

Another Pine Forest Mod ( Forest Trees Only)

The ENB scares people but its just 2 files dropped into you game folder that's it. The true sight preset is 3 files dropped in your game folder. You have to press shift+enter and check the box for cloud shadows, sky lighting, and sky lighting calculation. Don't forget to save it by click save profile in the menu.

ENB DL link http://enbdev.com/mod_fallout4_v0501.htm