I had no idea they could be other colors!! I’ve only ever gotten green!

Being a Subaru owner as well, I 100% support this

Subaru compatible dash cams?

So I’m looking into getting a dash cam for my Subie and was hoping to get a front and rear one. But my main concern is it interrupting the built in eyesight feature on mine and was looking for any good suggestions. There’s hardly any budget but the better the price tag for better quality the better!

That’s what I usually try and do for sure! Even on my previous cars I’d usually try and do both at the same time

Frequency of oil changes?

So I’ve only had one oil change on my crosstrek since I’ve got it back in December (last one was towards the end of March after only 5,000 miles when my cross trek was about to hit 40,000), the dealership I took it to put the sticker at 6,000 miles out… This is my first Subaru and it’s a 21 limited. I forget what oil they put in it exactly but I’m pretty sure it was full synthetic. I’ve googled it and I’ve seen mixed results for 5,000 to 7,500 and also 6,000-7,500.

I’m now coming up on 45,000 probably sometime this week (currently at just over 44,800) and I already know I need to be on top of oil changes with Subies in general since they’re not as forgiving on going over on oil changes as other cars.

My other main concern too. With it being middle of June at this point and I’m planning a trip throughout Michigan (I live in central Indiana) come October… Hence why I’m trying to plan this out

Just starting out

I just recently started looking into getting myself a handpan, I’ve never played one before, but always been wanting to. I’ve done a little bit of research (and still continuing to do so) and I’ve seen a lot of places suggesting D Kurd primarily and have seen D Celtic brought up a few times as well for beginners. As well as 9 and 10 notes being best for beginners.

My main questions though would be where would be the best place to order from? My other question would be should I go stainless or go nitrated? Those are the two metals I’ve found I enjoy the most based on the YouTube videos I’ve looked up. I know I’d have to get certain types of oil and rags to oil/clean the pans if I go Nitrated, but would I have to for the stainless?

Also would anyone suggest anything in terms of scales and choosing between 432 and 440?

I’ve got a baby Rolleiflex myself and use it whenever possible. Only major downfall (and I mean major!!) is the price of the film and getting only 12 shots a roll at that

Agreed. I think book 4 zaheer definitely would be better choice but book 3 zaheer definitely would be a conflict

Id say Air would be pretty close too with the exception of Zaheer. 4/5 working together wouldn’t be bad compared to Fire and Water but still

I’m sure since the 24’s only been out for not even a year they’ll have some around the turn of the year. It’s kinda like phone cases, accessories usually don’t come out from third parties til much later anyways 🤷‍♂️

So angelic!! From your hair to your curves it’s like Michaelangelo carved you with no hesitation😍❤️

If you still want to have the star logo they’ve got decals specifically for it. I think you can get black and blue too. Just Google Subaru decal overlay or even check some place like Etsy! I’m planning on getting a bear one for mine!

Mine came with the tinted windows too. I bought mine used so I don’t know if they came standard but I love that they came as dark as they did. I’ve not yet even added 10k miles on mine yet 😅

Named mine Kuma (after Kuma from One Piece). Mines a magnetite gray limited. I’ve only had mine since 12/4/23 and I’m still loving driving it. I’ve only put 8k miles on it personally (had 35k on it when I got it)

I got mine put on myself too! It just looks so much better with them on! I got a set that even goes on the 3rd window too

Gorgeous!!! The car is beautiful too 😋 I’ve got a magnetite gray 21 limited myself!

I did the same when I first started listening a year and a half ago and felt the exact same way 😂😂

I’ve got one that was 3D printed off Etsy: 35mm to 120

I’ll definitely have to look into finding some old film from somewhere. Idk if I have any that I don’t care about but I can certainly check my local camera store and see if I can pick some up from their scraps or something and use that.

Is there any good trick when rewinding it into the canister too at all or not really? Just trying to be as prepared for it as possible since I’ve only had my Mamiya for a little over a month 😅

I’ve got an adaptor that has a feeder that keeps it centered. As far as the masking the viewfinder is it just like two pieces of paper on top and bottom or something? And the 45cm of tape do I just tape it on and use the advance lever too like a normal 120 roll to advance it til it stops, as well?!

It was just a Google search. Wasn’t trying to claim them as mine or anything. Plus was using it more as an example too since not everyone calls them sprocket shots either

Canon FT or AE-1Program I have two AE-1Programs and they haven’t failed me yet

You’re telling me!! I have yet to shoot two $27 rolls bc the last B&W one I shot didn’t load correctly 😅

I’ve never cut film personally but I just got done with my first roll. B&H has film for the baby’s too but it’s CRAZY expensive. For color the cheapest was $27usd and the cheapest B&W was only $13