
The Quincies as a whole as of TYBW, despite having multiple POC and a trans woman in their ranks, still serve the Nazi drip and are treated accordingly

Dinner with Aizen; get him riled up talking about Urahara and you get dinner and a show

There’s likely gonna be a conflict about Aizen’s spiritual pressure being the only thing keeping the gates closed and whether exonerating him is worth it. Or some demon entity somehow gets into Muken and creates an Aizen rescue arc


The captains when they start losing (they know Ichigo is on his way to save their asses)

The only one close to being a crack pair is Ichigo/Shinji; like someone else said Ichigo/Grimmjow is probably one of if not the most yaoi pairings, and Ichigo/Aizen is way more popular than it should be

Seat one: if you’re female keep it movin

Seat two: you get to see bambettia fight with her bf via text

Seat 3: WLW paradise

Seat 4: yammy takes up most of your seat, forcing you to scrunch against Äs Nodt; he stares at you menacingly the whole flight. Unblinking.

Seat 5: Pepe sexually harasses you while Hiyori kicks your seat

Seat 6: window seat, able to ignore everyone

Seat 7: Yhwach gives you a dirty look when you move past him to sit but otherwise leaves you alone; Aizen acts all put out that you’re there but halfway through he sighs obnoxiously and asks you what you’re watching

Seat 8: unless you’re Orihime you’re fine

He served so hard no one questioned how he was able to change clothes in the first place


Aizen when he saw Orihime’s new dress (he looks better in it)

I think it’s a testament to how accepting and loving the community is; but I can understand how it could be annoying for someone who doesn’t want to participate in that part of the fandom. Just don’t interact with it and focus on the parts you do


Absolute cinema

Well Aizen would be furious at the prospect of his equal becoming “that thing” as he said to Urahara.

He’s talking to the realest mf he knows

Awwww how sweet, I knew Captain Aizen was a nice guy after all! Thank Reio I didn’t trust the C46 propaganda