Lmao. But in all seriousness, it seems like everyone has fucking ADHD or autism these days. Shit is over diagnosed.

So is it nice if a guy compliments a girls ass out loud, because it’s a nice ass? It’s a nice thing to say if she has a nice ass, but she won’t like it. This isn’t applicable to this post, but it is a flaw in your logic.

It’s one day of the year where everyone gets together and celebrates. Honestly, fuck off.

Yeah, it kind of feels like they didn’t have a fresh set of eyes read it to ensure everything made sense to somebody who knows absolutely nothing.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great book and has gotten me into growing. It’s just sometimes when I’m reading the steps it’s like, how am I supposed to know the size of this, or what quantity, or just not labeling items well. But it has helped me have a successful PF Tek (with the help of shroomery), just made my LC jars, need to throw in PC and inoculate. Hopefully next weekend.

Yeah, and OP took time out of their to post a selfie on a subreddit where pictures are barley posted, let alone selfies. It’s kind of weird, and will 100% bring criticism. I personally don’t really care about piercings, I wouldn’t comment about them despite me not liking them.

Idk if anyone else feels this way, but people who post selfies on subreddits that aren’t about selfies or pictures of yourself scream self-absorbed and/or insecure.

They can have their hot girl summer and white boy summer, I’ll just avoid all of that because it’s fucking cringe

I’m all for growing mushrooms, but if you are somewhere that you literally can’t dehydrate, you’re asking for trouble. Who are you hiding it from (please don’t be your parents)? Doesn’t really matter, but you shouldn’t be producing drugs in a household/apartment if the other people don’t agree to it. Especially if the other people are the ones who owns/pays.

A dehydrator may give it away, but there’s always a chance they discover it anyway.

Trump kept similar hours as a younger man (idk if this is even true but I’m going with it) because he inherited wealth and could do whatever the fuck he wanted and was busy having fun at other times doing shit like being bad at golf and fucking pornstars.

Idk what your point is, the two are in no way comparable. One was busy fucking around because he was rich and could do what he want (also, in the past, what the fuck is your point), the other’s brain is just incapable of functioning outside of those hours.

I hate Kanye, but he literally just went to somebody’s birthday party.

I would go there, unfortunately I value my life. Like come on, let’s be real. Iran, an Islamic state, and Afghanistan, also an Islamic state. Both very openly violating basic human rights. You don’t have to go there to know it’s a shit hole.

Maybe Pakistan is alright? I haven’t heard much about them, sounds maybe a little sketchy, but possibly a little less sketchy.

What art elitism does to a mfer (you). Same shit with architecture.

Some people just like things that look good and make sense (obviously leaving things open artistic interpretation as well). They don’t care about all of the literature and theory behind it because they have better things to do with their life, or don’t have time because they are busy working and supporting people.

I didn’t know that calling out bad people is white knighting. I guess I’ll proudly be a white knight if that’s the case (but I’m pretty sure you are definitionally incorrect in using that phrase here).

One of my favorite dishes is steak pasta, where the sauce is made of Gorgonzola, parm, and heavy creme. Can add some mushrooms as well

Why aren’t I calling out the other PA’s? I’ll answer that. Because it isn’t the subject of this thread. Was that supposed to be some type of gotcha? Because it really isn’t. You didn’t really think that one through.

And I have a hard time believing that they wouldn’t see evidence of this. They just didn’t have the character to say something about, likely because they wanted fame and power.

Bruh she was Harvey Weinstein’s personal fucking assistant. Either she is extremely stupid and unaware, or did not give two shits about women getting sexually harassed so she could rise to power. I’m guessing the latter.

For society to truly reform itself, I think we need massive destruction to occur and subsequently the right people to survive to rebuild society, ideally keeping the information and knowledge of the past.

Or perhaps an extremely existential threat to all of humanity to unite people. The problem is, super powers see each other as existential threats right now, and if that doesn’t go away, it’s just going to get worse over time.

And we’d need to do away with scarcity. Fusion power would be a good step towards this (and the fuck loads of benefits that comes with that). And we probably need to start harvesting our solar system for resources instead of destroying our planet.

My cat, Diogenes, enjoys going on walks. I just go to certain places or just outside of my place at certain times to avoid loud noises (like obnoxious cars or motorcycles) because that can spook him.

That’s not really a good comeback since you are referring to yourself as wise, which is a wee bit egotistical.

The future is going to be a lot more like The Expanse than Star Trek.

Walgreens and CVS fleeces people. Don’t shop there unless you don’t have another option.

Congrats OP, welcome to the world. Literally every country has xenophobia, some more than others.

That’s some pussy shit. Take half a bar, mix up a rum and coke, drink rum and coke, pour another rum and coke, then get into the cocaine. Then after take a full bar and smoke to come down.

Or at least that’s what I would’ve done back when I was into cocaine and Xanax.

The horrible evil she has committed is producing mostly shitty, algorithmic music and creating a toxic fan base of losers who obsess over her and everything she does. She’s likely decreased the average IQ of the world population because her fans became clinically retarded.

Additionally, so what she donated to food banks? To your hitler analogy (because of course simpletons are going to always resort to Hitler) Hitler helped a lot of Germans come out of poverty. Does that make him a great person? No? Fuck off. Go listen to your Taylor Swift music and kill a few more brain cells, you incompetent moron.

I’m not gay, I’m attracted to Yoshis. Did you even read my username? Bigot.