So the viable options for making the 100% necessary and unavoidable day-to-day decisions regarding ambiguity in regulations that govern our drinking water, food, drugs, air traffic, communications, etc. are:

a) Congresspeople, who have been in complete gridlock for well over a decade (at least) due to GOP obstruction because Republicans actively want the government to fail because they hate regulation (and the government) itself.

b) Judges with lifetime appointments who have literally zero expertise in any of the above mentioned arenas and may or may not have political/financial agendas that are completely unchecked because no judge will EVER be impeached due to said legislative obstruction.

c) Financially impartial career bureaucrats who are experts in their respective field(s) and are generally apolitical and just trying to make things work as efficiently as they reasonably can because it's their daily job.

Obviously nothing in this world is perfect, but I'll take C every day of the week.


I was in Section 207 right behind the net where Richie scored this goal. This 30 seconds is a core memory in my sports fandom. That stadium ERUPTED.

e: you can hear the stadium better in this video

Roiland had clearly checked out of the writers room because the quality of the show hasn't suffered at all without him. See ya, bud. Good riddance imho

As far as I can tell, the score is:


Average Americans: 12

Yeah, it was between that or Muhammed.

I saw that post. Those super-photogenic subvortices wrapping around the main circulation must be insanely powerful.

They don’t care as long as the infringing is beneficial to them and hurting people not in their cult.

The murals in Philadelphia are getting out of hand

I mean, by all accounts Alec Guinness had a strong contempt for SW and its inane dialogue. Ewan played the role with much more passion than Sir Alec ever did tbh. And even though I was old enough to have fallen in love with the OT films first, Ewan is Obi-Wan to me.

Yeah, there's a good reason fascist movements always target education (and the educated/intellectuals) as early as possible in their seizure of power.

You did the right thing imho. Your dog was exhibiting all the signs of an animal telling you it was time. Euthanasia is the ultimate gift we give our pets. They have no idea they're about to die, but you do. That is the gift... You take on the suffering so they don't have to. I'm very sorry for your loss.

I've always loved Calvin's smile in the third panel as he says, "No. I mean in the play." Lol

I didn't know the name of the author of Hunger Games, read this as Susan Collins, and was like Dafuq??

"Marxism" is defined as "Woke", and "Woke" is defined as "Marxism". What's so confusing about that?


Forensic genealogy does not require the exact perpetrator to be in the CODIS database. They can use DNA from a crime scene to trace back the perp's lineage and find a few sets of common ancestors, then law enforcement can utilize genealogy to work their way forwards in time to find the person who links those ancestors together. Basically, if any of the suspect's relatives (up to third cousin) are in a direct-to-consumer DNA database, they can probably find the person.