I've seen em run out of gas only to drive by the pit and not go in lmao

True CNN is hot garbage now. There are not many options for non biased news, unfortunately.

God, I wish I could've been one of them

Not to defend the mom, but yes. A one-time purchase of $1000 is nowhere near the ballpark of $18,000/yr/kid. Just because she managed to buy a plane trip doesn't mean she could afford to raise children

Hopefully, now that you have complained about it, you'll finally get it. That's how I finally got the Ferrari lmao

We need to start catapulting these people into the sun. What a fucking monster.

When I get an invite, 9/10 times, it's the Pagini one. That is not an exaggeration... I really hate this car, man

He has a damn weird attitude for a scientist. It's as if he thinks science is done and there's no room for anything we haven't already discovered to exist..

I wear pj bottoms at home. I don't like the feeling of chilling in my underwear and screw wearing jeans inside my home.

Oh, don't you worry, i definitely am terrified about the global repercussions as well. What a great time to be on earth this is..

make the risk and penalties so high it isnt worth trafficing drugs.

That'll just make the drugs more valuable, which means more profit for the dealers, which means more, and possibly heavier armed dealers on the street- and also addicts willing to do riskier and riskier crimes to pay for the more expensive drugs.

The problem will persist until we make work more attainable and also worth doing. The kid probably does way better selling drugs than I do doing customer service, lol

Most people who sell drugs dont do it because they're bad people who want the neighborhood to be worse and are just unafraid of the consequences.

They do it because they don't exactly have a choice. It's that or starving. Punishing them doesn't solve anything. We need more accessibility and help for poor people because, currently, there is no path up from the bottom.

I hear ya. It's not a super forgiving place to be caught not knowing something.

My apologies

I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this

to not get crapped on further

It's sad how toxic reddit is that someone can be hesitant to ask a genuinely good question due to fear of attack

Weird threat coming from the one who would be the most fucked if this happened

They still haven't succeeded in a war against a single country after 2 years... are we supposed to believe they'd have any success if suddenly 30 more countries started attacking them?