Yeah like say use it to marry a 14 year old against your wife’s wishes, but no big deal. You can still continue to receive revelation for the entire world.

Way to go! First week is the worst and then it’s smooth sailing! Stay strong.

Does needing an attorney to remove your name not count as a gd cult?!

Not a band, but not a Taylor Swift fan. I don’t hate her or anything but her music is meh to me.

The temple for me for sure! Went through when women were still told to “hearken unto your husbands” and cover your face to be worthy to pray in the true way. None of that sexist shit seemed ok to me and researching all of it after my mission eventually led me out. It was literally the doctrine that was my eventual downfall out of the religion. When the doctrine conflicted with itself I was finally out!

Thank you so much! Such a clarifying explanation.

The Chosen by Chaim Potok

I just finished it for the 2nd time but I am atheist and don’t understand fully the differences between the Talmud and Torah and would love to have some clarity on it. Especially as relates to study and discussion in the Jewish faith! Thanks ahead of time.

I used to be Mormon and I was sent on a mission to Portugal. When I told friends and family where I was going I had numerous people ask/state, “Oh, so you get to speak Spanish?”

Hot Thai Kitchen has the best Tom Kha Gai recipe and Tom Yum too.

Peeing after and cleaning up. No UTI’s for me thank you, I don’t care how good the film crew is! Lol