I was going to get mad that this was just a shitty redditism pun train. But I see it could also be a reference to Bateman so I'm ok with it.

I read the article which is why I'm calling this shit out. Just saying "the public won't stand for it" is equivalent to calling for violence is straightforward propaganda. 

What were his actual words? Sounds like misleading headline to me. Is reddit just a propaganda machine now?

If he was a real leader, he wouldn't turn down captain.

How do you defend that trash lol. What redeeming qualities did it have?

It's not every day that you get reminded of the utter insanity that modern language has become.

The math would then, at worst, get him 4-5 shinies from that dump. Truly unlucky or bungo is wrong.

Turning in all your tokens in the first hour in a game that often screws up updates like this is a big lesson learned for you lol. *If it is true that it's bugged. This kind of stuff is almost expected at this point.

"It gives way too much power to uneducated ghetto city trash" this works both ways.

They nerfed bows and now I feel so defenseless against this meta. I had my worst week yet and I think I'm just done with playing this mode. Every season it's gotten worse and worse.

This is what happens when Bungie listens to the crying and nerf the only counter to this prefire sliding teamshotting. Yes I'm salty they nerfed bows how did you know?

I tried to do a persistence card last night solo. After 4 hours I had 1 win locked in. I am a 1.6 trials kd.

I saw Tenet in imax and regular screens and understood every word. I must be lucky