Would be hilarious if they somehow became guns.

The Stranger

That's not true. Both humans and elves have fea.

When it comes to Rhaegar it also doesn't help that his usurper was about as good at being a king as my turd is at being a banana.

Dat vragen ik en mijn vriendin ons ook elke wedstrijd weer af.

:pirelli-wet: Pirelli Wet

To be fair, six prime ministers before that you failed to qualify for a couple of tournaments in a row.

From what I've experienced the only time they (or some of them) root against the Netherlands is in a direct match-up.


Are we only taking Summer Olympics into account? Otherwise speed skating is definitely in the Yes category.

Het omschrijven als "een bak met allemaal flesjes ernaast" creëert ook wel weer een bepaald rommelig beeld. In de praktijk staan er een hooguit een paar minuten een paar flesjes naast een bak of op een andere handige plek. Het is niet echt rommeliger dan wanneer je mij op een bankje ziet zitten met mijn lunch naast mij op de bank.

Mijn ervaringen in Berlijn waren dat je je statiegeld gewoon overal achter kon laten en dat het dan binnen no time meegenomen was door iemand. Daar deed ik al vrij snel geen enkele moeite meer om naar een prullenbak te zoeken. Er komt toch wel een gepensioneerde of dakloze langs die er wat aan heeft.

Qui-Gon Jinn

If Jedi show up at my house trying to steal my kid, they are leaving my house having more holes in their bodies than they had when they entered.

The actress is very cute in this picture. She's not cute as Sister Sage. Which speaks to her acting ability.

Cutting holes into Hughie and fucking them would have killed him.

And shattering someone else's world? It clearly didn't shatter his world. Nor was it likely that Webweaver turning out to be Hughie was going to shatter the world of someone who is not only a racist, but also a murderer, a torturer and a fascist. You really think we had to worry at any point in time about what this revelation was going to do to Tek Knight? And you think I have a lot of fantasy. Mate, you're the king of fantasy if you think someone who is as reprehensible morally speaking as Tek Knight would be shocked by something like that.

You can DM me if you want.

Oh that's such a weak cop out. Don't engage in discussion then.

The scene where the guy crawls into the other guy's dickhole doesn't address a real world issue, nor did they drag it out for 15 minutes. If they had spent as much time on ripping open dicks in one single episode as they have on the scenes in Tek Knight's dungeon in this episode, a lot more people would not have enjoyed that episode either.

But that scene or the one with pop claw aren't even that comparable to this scene. If you want to compare this scene to earlier similar scenes in the show, look at how they handled Starlight having to go down on The Deep in season 1. It wasn't treated as a joke and rather than spending several minutes on having to watch Starlight and the Deep being engaged in sexual acts, they showed us the lead-up and the consequences. Heck, even when the Deep was the victim of sexual abuse they didn't drag out the scene this long or turn it into a joke.

Had he given himself up the moment the sexual part started, he would've been literally raped to death before his help got even close to him. He would've died before the others were even done arguing whether they needed to move in.

And sure, that's not negotiable in real-life situations, like when the other party involved in this isn't a rapist genocidal fascist. Keep in mind that he got into this situation because he's trying to stop someone who literally murders people for sexual pleasure, supports a supremacist coup d'etat and is actively involved with setting up internment camps. Situations like Hughie's fortunately don't exist outside of fiction. But if someone had told me that Adolf Hitler's rise to power, WW2 and the Holocaust could've been prevented by tricking a Nazi supporter into having sex with me under dubious circumstances, I think that would be worth it. The difference between how bad my actions would be and how bad everything that happened in the concentration camps was would be big enough for me to accept having to have nightmares for the rest of my life.

Ooooh, hmm, shit now you've made me doubt.

Considering they have dealt with SA before on this show and did so in a completely different way by not treating it as a joke and not dragging it out for this long, I'd say no this isn't what I signed up for when I watch this show. And in general a lot of the more shocking scenes they have had were pretty short. They never dragged it out for this long. It's not like last season we've had 15 minutes of dicks getting torn apart up.

Those guys in Revenge of the Nerds wouldn't be murdered if they had been honest.

And Olenna isn't even really a Tyrell. She's a Redwynne who married a Tyrell.

For the Greens it doesn't really affect their choice to place Aegon on the throne though. The only side whose willingness to go to war could be argued might be affected by the prophecy is the Blacks. Specifically Rhaenyra.

The Netherlands

And who would benefit massively from such isolationist ideas? Russia.

The Netherlands

Sub goal: 4371/5000 - Build a new Children's Hospital in Cambridge

The Netherlands

Eeehm, the countries that were pushing for F-16's for Ukraine the earliest and the hardest were all countries with Proportional Representation. Whereas the USA took forever to approve of their latest support package for Ukraine.