I would be curious to see her swim wearing that swimsuit. She obviously couldn’t breath.

Because the Liverpool football team plays in Red and they’re often called « the reds » 😄 , their jersey is red, the stadium seats are red… 😀

I bought a LFC jersey and I am planning to add « Taylor swift » in the back and « 13 » or « 89 », still wondering which number to choose 😂


I know French people who went to Paris’s concerts and yes there were many American people but they do not all behave like this. What is a shame is that American influencers got invitation for the event even if they’ve already seen it several times in the US while some French people could not get any tickets and could not see Taylor for the fist time in their life. Please don’t talk about American people like this… this is not because you had a bad experience that all people too. My friends who went to the concert had a great time even if they were surrounded by American!(and you know what, when you spend more than 3h in a place crowded of people singing and dancing, no matter what you wear, you sweat… even if you’re French or American…).

It has been raining for days in France and it was raining a lot last Sunday night in Paris before the concert (friends of mine were there). I guess people were just thinking that she was crazy to go out wearing a tutu dress in the wind and in the rain. I don’t believe that people care so much about her other way 😅 There are influencers wearing awfull things everywhere in Paris, people are used to it.

I have been listening non stop since it dropped. But I have also quickly listened Dua Lip’s Radical Optimis and it felt like breath of fresh air for a moment 😅 I love TTPD so much, no matter what, but sometimes just listening something else makes you like TTPD even more. Sorry for my English, French girl speaking here 😅)

I can’t with these spots anymore. It seems she always spends her at the same places again and again again. Paris is not only the Eiffel tower shining at night and small coffee places near the Eiffel tower… She’s so boring.

I have so many French friends that could no get tickets or that got scammed… it’s harsh. And I’m pretty sure she will attend shows during the next US leg 🙄🙄

Unlike her boss, she probably doesn’t spend her whole time at the gym wearing pink workout outfits and checking her butt in mirrors. This is probably why we don’t see her that much in Rach’s stories 😉

I am wondering for how long the gym content is going to last. She says she goes to the gym 5 or 6 a week right ? We know she cannot focus on something for a long time. I really do hope for her that once she focuses on something else her body won’t change that much. When you train so much, when you put so much effort into something, it’s sad to accept that it can change as soon as you stop or at least as soon as you change your way of living and eating… She pretends that she goes to the gym to feel strong but the constant body checking shows that the only thing that she is interested in is looking skinny. I hope for her that she can find a good compromise between exercising everyday and just feeling good and comfortable with her body. (This is personally something I haven’t been able to find yet 🥲)

Yes ! Normandy is amazing, stop by the Mont Saint Michel, the D-Day beaches, it’s full of history. Lyon is also an amazing city. There’s everything, just like in Paris, except that you can visit the city by walking, very very pretty 🥰

Yes it seems she has not ankles and her feet are like flippers, soooo long. It’s really ridiculous.

The pool she posted yesterday asking her followers since when they have been following her. I remember that when I answered to it, the results indicated that at least 50% of her followers started to follow her between 2016 and 202? something (cannot remember the exact year). Does she really think that we trust her when she pretends they broke up or does she think that her followers are so stupid ?

And her « false » eyelashes are atrocious, it makes her eyes seem so small 🫣

They seem so drunk… 😓🥴 but I guess they « don’t really care » about the concert considering it was the third time they attended it. I am really afraid she buys resale tickets for the concert in Paris next year… 🫣🫣

Pretty sure she is going next week, and Arielle too…

So funny how he totally ignores Rach when she tries to high five with him 😂

I am starting to think that we won’t see anything about weeding venues they were supposed to visit in France…