You know I was ready to give this to Kong but after looking up some stats and watching his battles on YouTube I think obsidian fury has a good chance of taking this battle.

OFs New weight is similar to what Kong would probably be (45k tons vs 55k tons) and the newer Jaegers are a lot more mobile than the ones we see in Pacific rim 1 and I think he would mostly be able to keep up.

Kong still is more agile but Obsidian has far more weaponry than Kong. His axe would be weaker without Godzilla to charge it up and OF has ranged weapons to hit him first and it uses its melee weapons with more skill than Kong uses his axe so I think on paper, same height OF would probably take it.

Do you want to get a zombie apocalypse? Because this weapon is how you get a zombie apocalypse.

It's bad, but not even fun bad. Theres a couple moments where you can laugh at it (catnip scene comes to mind) but everything else just feels cringey & dumb.

I admit I nearly done it a couple times but each time it was late at night in a poorly lit area with a weird intersection. I feel it's okay to at least chuckle at him since it was the day.

Eventually you would get numb to it so I sit there as long as possible, pretty sure I could get to 12 hours with no problem, 15 if I'm well rested. I'm pretty sure a combination of boredom and disgust would make me really tired towards the end so I wouldn't try force myself to stay awake through that for 24 plus hours like some people are talking about. By then I'd have more than enough to get me through the rest of my life living off of interest alone.


I don't think they'll be as annoying because Lando will actually admit fault when he screws up, so if he hit someone or bins it you're not going to deal with as many hardcore lando fans flaming another driver.

Max never accepts blame and always blames the other driver for any incident & Will minimize his actions whenever an incident is 100% on him. Lewis isn't as extreme and will accept blame when he has a major fuck up, but he will still often minimize his actions blame other things for incidents.

This leaves to the hardcore stans doing the same no matter how blatantly obvious it is. At least when a driver says 'I screwed up 'it takes the wind out of their dumb fans sails.

Holding the door for people, like all the time. If they're close it's polite but if they're 10 ft away it's just bloody annoying, especially if you get one of those people that will actively rush past you to hold the door and smile. If I'm carrying something or having a hard time I appreciate it but when I'm just walking as a capable adult male it's stupid.

I have the skill to wield any weapon masterfully, be they common swords or limbs of Eldritch beings. I can summon the spirits of the fallen to fight for me & I have an infinite inventory that I can pull items from at will, Even a spectral horse that I can use to ferry me into battle.

Any death I have is temporary, as I will just resurrect within a few hours ready to enter the fight again. I would likely be the strongest human on the planet with a strength that even gods would fear.

The cost of all this power is that I am unfortunately maidenless...

Yeah but he's such a dick about it.

He was doing the blood stuff before he was enchanted. He met the formless mother & became obsessed while he was still locked beneath the capital. It's not 100% clear but I'm pretty sure he was locked down there until the shattering occurred, and I think Miquilla enchanted him around that time when he realized he could defile his body and let him into the shadow lands because of his blood magic.

I'm sorry I'm not forgiving him. Sure he beat the SA charges, but he still has an army of bloody fingers that randomly murder tarnished and have ganked me on multiple occasions so he can rot in the shadow realms. Also his boy Varre is a prick.

Then that gargoyle hanging on the edge pops up and says "You okay bro?"

Apparently they had been separated for some years with this occurred, which makes the whole thing weirder to be honest. The more I looked into their relationship the more I realized they're both shitty toxic people that are really focused on appearances.

I've been hearing that statement for a few years now, I firmly in the 'I'll believe it when I see' it camp.

The burnout series. It was a staple racing game for a couple console generations and imo the best arcade racing series to ever be released. It had consistently high ratings and according to Wikipedia of the sales were always strong, but after burnout Paradise released EA just said fuck it and has pretty much shelved the series outside of a few remasters.

Halo 1, the starter pistol is 100% the best weapon in the game. It hits hard and has good zoom, most everything feels like a downgrade or a side grade at best. The moments where another weapon outperforms it are rare and kind of niche, and even then the Magnum is still very useful in those situations.

If you're at of section with a lot of vehicles the rocket launcher is probably better, but the Magnum still hits so hard that it can take out most vehicles pretty quickly if you focus fire.

In the flood levels the assault rifle and shotgun are a bit better than it, but it can still put in work against the combat forms and the carrier forms. It only falls behind because there are so many of the infection forms attacking you at once.

There are areas where a sniper rifle will prove better, but the ammo to that is very limited and the Magnum also has a strong zoom and it's hard so you could be very accurate in those situations as well.

The gun is pretty OP and I don't remember anything else really being used in high level competitive tournaments. It was tragic how much they nerfed the shit out of the thing, but it was also expected. The gun was just too good.

Perfect time to break out my favorite image:


That's an easy way to get your car covered in dog shit.

2 Spring to mind:

In Attack on Titan, when the identity of the Colossal & Armored Titans are revealed the dub adds a roar that makes the moment feel far more epic.

In Naruto when Madara fights the Shinobi army. I usually prefer the sub version of most voice actors because I think the dubs VAs tend to sound pretty bad. Madara is the main exception. Nagato & Obito are also great, but Madara is heads above even them.

My favorite part of that fight is towards the end when a meteor is stopped and everyone is doing all happy and safe, and he coldly says "but what are you going to do about the second one?" Naruto pealed at that one moment for me.

You could give every city in Texas two weeks heads up that there's going to be a massive ice storm and they wouldn't be prepared.

NTW As a tall guy (6'6) I understand you need for leg room, Even some of the comfort seats on certain airlines are kind of shitty when you're that tall. I don't fly often but one time I had to fly economy because there weren't any comfort plus seats that I could buy and that was a miserable painful experience, and it was only about an hour at that. You shouldn't have to suffer leg pain for 12 hours because some random woman chose to become a Twinkie.