“talk radio host on KTTH-AM, Jason Rantz, reported that he had obtained a written statement Auderer provided to the city’s Office of Police Accountability. In it, Auderer said that Solan had lamented the death and that his own comments were intended to mimic how the city’s attorneys might try to minimize liability for it.

“I intended the comment as a mockery of lawyers,” Auderer wrote, according to KTTH. “I laughed at the ridiculousness of how these incidents are litigated and the ridiculousness of how I watched these incidents play out as two parties bargain over a tragedy”

You really should get the full context. The cop on the phone was actually talking shit about the city’s attorneys writing a check. He has actually issued an apology because he didn’t want his comments to be taken out context and reflect poorly on the department.

It’s just not fair how sexy you are 😍😍😍😍

She still looks great. What the heck is she holding or standing next to in the current pic? It looks like a baby with a hole in its head 😂

F: Find the 11,364 votes

Reading through these I’m realizing that there are so many great ones for F 🤣🤣🤣

Early 80s CB, CM or CX I’m guessing maybe a 550? Doubtful it is worth the money, time and frustration to restore.

Even in good shape whole bikes like this are not worth that much. Unless you are just looking for something to learn on and have a motorcycle junkyard locally I’d probably pass

Show us your tits. I bet that’s a great look for you

Like a” stolen election “ with “millions of fraudulent votes??” 🤡🤡🤡🤡

Fake president that actually won the popular vote when he was elected unlike that orange retard who slithered into the Oval Office in 2016 🤡🤡🤡🤡

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 yep taking precautions is for dumbasses. Let’s politicize everything and hope for herd immunity. I guess doctors are retards for wearing masks in hospitals too.

“I love the uneducated”

This “pro life” comment is perfect 👌 in one breath they’ll say that all life is precious and must be protected and in the next they’ll give a list of reasons why the death penalty is acceptable. It’s beyond ignorant

🤣 I got lectured in NV for lane splitting by an “off duty cop” who followed me for miles just to tell me that it was illegal. He said that he saw my CA plates and figured I didn’t know it was illegal in Nevada. I suppose he could have been being nice but his attitude and the way he said it made me think he just wanted to lecture me