When in Richmond never drink from the Glen Miller Park Spring. You’ll be doomed to never leave. It’s science…

Doesnt work that way in Indiana…. Indiana citizens cannot qualify a ballot measure for the statewide ballot through collecting signatures, and there is no signature requirement for ballot measures in Indiana.

You’ve started, that’s all that matters. Keep stacking sats!!!

My first thought too. Glad to see it was here already!

Welp…. Nevermind then…(that was my comment from when this was posted yesterday)

Welp….nevermind then…

Thirding this….currently knocking out and looking at the same part rn

As someone who grew up there and have maintained lifetime connections there, I’d doubt this to be true. Richmond is a rough town, without question, but this sounds like bad info….

That man is pure winner.

New Glarus Brewing Company. It’s only for purchase in Wisconsin.

….It’s time to get ill?

Serbian Scottish, bud?

Ha! Never even occurred to me. Thanks for the answer