I love the dusty lighting in this photo! Congrats on the ranking!

I remember voting for this! Congratulations!

Either Oviedo chickens or Ybor chickens 🐔

I’m jealous, the red fox is the last one I need and I’ve missed it the last 2 weekends 😼‍💹 I’ll get it one day but I’ve learned I can only feed it by staying up late on Friday nights


I turned my Peaceful Meadow into a massive garden. Just makes it so much easier to have it all in one place. Also makes leveling forage or garden villagers really easy.

Is it the stitch cupcakes making all the glitter ✹?

Remy at the Lady & Tramp table đŸ„°

Take a tunnel and fill it with felt strips, paper bedding, or pom-poms. Mine love to dig and burrow through them

That could work, but in that case I would recommend moving the current camera angle more to the left.

I had glitches exiting the furniture tab too, including switching items and making others disappear. Most of it got fixed after reset, and then exiting didn’t mess it up any more. I also found that traveling between the Valley and Eternity Isle fixed the remaining glitches if a lot happened at once or if some disappeared after I fixed other ones. It took 2 days, but finally got something decent submitted

If you mean adding another human resident, then you can do so by creating another profile/account on your switch then logging into the game with the new profile. All profiles share an island. One island per console. Up to 8 accounts per switch. Potentially 8 human residents/house storages per island.

The only coffees you can make are Mike’s & Sulley’s using only the ingredients you find in the nearby shelf. You don’t unlock anything or get any reward for making the other coffees on the board.

Sulley’s is 5x coffee beans Mike’s is 1x coffee beans, 1x non-dairy screamer, 3x sugar

That’s a really cute amusement park!

But if this is for the dreamsnap, in my opinion the food court should be in the front rather than at the back since it’s the main theme for the challenge. It seems like an after-thought from this angle. Maybe switch the food carts and tables and stand between the tables and ferris wheel with the ferris wheel behind the camera. That way the food court is at the forefront and the amusement park is in the background, setting the scene.

My dreamsnap took 2 days and several attempts because furniture and food items kept disappearing. I figured out that entering Furniture Mode and selecting the area where the item was would make it re-appear. Also at one point I had furniture switch places after exiting furniture mode. I got fed up with it on the first day and waited until after reset to try again.

NTA. It’s extremely rude to invite someone without asking the hosts, especially for a personal party like a birthday. I understand it’s a large party, but it’s also an important milestone for the hosts who chose to celebrate with people close to them. If he wanted to invite someone, he should have asked the hosts for permission in the days or weeks before the party, extended the invite only if he received the ok, and then introduced his friends to the host when they arrived. The hosts also have to consider logistics. If it were a smaller occasion or a served dinner, they would need to factor in the extra mouths to feed which requires at least 24-48 hrs. That might not apply here, but doesn’t make it any less a breach of etiquette.

I understand that feeling. It’s hard when you know all the little details you put in, even in the peripherals not in frame.

Thank you for the tips! The lighting was actually coincidental. I had adjusted it to early morning, so about 6:30/7am at the time it was taken, and then it started raining in game right as I was moving the camera. So it’s a mix of post-dawn, weather, and filter.

I love the lion king dress, and honestly I really want those rug designs 😂, they’ll go perfect with Oswald’s car!

I can understand being overwhelmed. Rather than trying to clean everything constantly, every day or every few days pick 1 thing to deep clean (could be a drawer, a cabinet, a rug, etc) and 1-3 things to surface clean (dust a shelf, sweep a floor, etc). Setting small milestones that you can maintain can minimize the stress of big projects and is an excellent way to learn. I recommend writing your daily small goals down, because checking them off provides a great sense of accomplishment. Schedules can help too, like having a set laundry day, or meal prep day.

Cleaning is a process that is constantly evolving, a method that works for one person may not work for another. Building the habits is part of adulthood. Don’t be afraid to try new products or methods, if it doesn’t work, then you know for next time. Don’t be afraid to fail or make a mistake, cleaning isn’t a test.

Regarding microfiber cloths, how I wash them depends on what I used them for. A light dusting? Perfectly fine to refold and place in a small basket in my linen closet with my other dust-rags. Wet with water or used a light cleaner like vinegar? Hang dry or wash them in the laundry with your other towels or bath mats. Used a very strong odorous cleaner (silver polish for example)? Then I would wash separately.

NTA. It’s your wedding, an incredibly intimate day with your partner, and it’s your choice on how to spend it. A reception/party later with everyone who wants to celebrate with you is perfectly fine. A simple ceremony with a witness from each side and an officiate is perfectly acceptable. I understand your mother being upset, but I also can’t help but wonder how she’d try to dictate such a small ceremony. There’s also the logistics, if you invite your parents and siblings, you’d be obligated to invite your fiancé’s as well. Even if you invited only both sets of parents, there’s no telling who else your mother may invite without your permission, like your sisters.