I know, right? Broken birb. šŸ˜‚


No fair. Yours snuggles normally, unlike my degen! šŸ˜‚

Also, my desk is usually cleaner than this. Lol.


Chopstick thief!

Which area? Southbank was blacked out this morning.

Yep. Utter total chaos- and I love her for it.

Thanks! Sheā€™s as chaotic as her namesake. šŸ˜

TRUE. I ended up with a proper dislocated L5 vertebrae because of horses, which I carried for 20 odd years untreated because negligent doctors. I also fractured my pelvis in the same fall. Medically Iā€™m banned from riding- next fall carries a high chance of being paralysed.


Yup. Nikki Sixx hated my nails until recently- theyā€™re now a shiny colour (chrome flakes in gunmetal). Looks like shiny to her.

Your drones are recharging. ā¤ļø

I moved from a country town to the city for work- it took a while to adjust to the pace, a healthy nightlife during the week, the variety of places to get a good feed, MOCKTAILS (as someone who doesnā€™t like to drink and drive Iā€™m a HUGE fan), and overall how helpful everyone was in teaching this middle-ish aged hick how to get around on public transport and surviving city life in general.

Hahaha, Iā€™m driving for the rest of the week.

As the middle child of 3 I say yes. My fellow middle kids know whatā€™s up!

Ultimately itā€™s your decision.


We breed for companions only (all babies are hand raised once theyā€™re fully fledged so they get those crucial first weeks with their parents) so colour is no big deal. We also sell on the condition that the bird comes back if they canā€™t or donā€™t want them anymore.

ETA my parents also breed Cockatiels and have recently got a bonded pair of Kakarikis.

I moved out at 38- I was helping financially AND doing shop/ school runs for the parentals, and pulled my weight.

Iā€™m NTA, but OP needs to stop enabling this behaviour.

Such a beautiful BB! Your baby is going to be STUNNING as an adult.

My parents breed IRNs, and we all (myself included even though I live a couple of hours away) get excited about seeing what colours the babies will be. I donā€™t get breeders who treat an animal like theyā€™re less than because of their colouring.