A sinus infection, oddly enough. It was the first one I had, I didn’t know what was happening, so as it got worse I didn’t realize I needed antibiotics to make it go away. The pain got so bad that I projectile vomited with like zero warning. In my husband’s truck. God bless that man, he was cleaning vomit out of the glovebox for a while after that.

Anyway, I’ve since given birth twice with no medication and would rather do that a dozen more times than have a sinus infection.

It does make me glad for Boone that he has an older brother who will hold him and soothe him like that. Gunner shouldn’t have to be the primary one doing that, but it’s a good thing for the baby that he does.

I once saw a man actively shoving the seat in front of him because he was angry about them reclining. It was a flight to Beijing from (I think, it’s been over a decade) Minneapolis, so most people were planning to sleep at some point. He was so aggressive that the flight attendant had to get involved. He was yelling about it for a while, as well. The flight attendant told him it was the other person’s right to recline just like it was his, and he needed to settle down. He did, eventually. We were already en route so no option to deplane him right then.

I’ve been so paranoid about reclining my seat ever since. Not that I don’t know I can and I’m in the right, but having to finish a flight with someone like that behind me isn’t my idea of a good time.

Sounds like my neck is only a fraction as jacked up as yours, but I hear you on the invisible nature of spinal damage. I try really hard to stay active and continue enjoying life as much as I can, so I get a lot of judgment on the days, or in the moments, where it’s too painful to be “normal.”

I have a new t-shirt for the 4th of July that has this quote.

I definitely don’t wipe up raw chicken with it before I wash my face, so that’s a bonus for me, I suppose.

I’ve used the Norwex face cloths with and without soap - only on my face. I use regular soap on my body. Even without soap my face feels cleaner and smoother when I use it versus a regular washcloth. I have fairly oily skin, so to me the difference is noticeable.

My dermatologist actually started recommending the face cloths. It was after I started using them on my own, so I was surprised when she suggested them.

No, I don’t sell them. And it could be that other microfiber cloths work exactly the same. I’ve only used this brand because it was the first I tried and it worked for me.

Yes, dry shampoo works. It does not need to be rinsed, just rubbed in. It’s just a fine powder that absorbs oil. Your hair will feel different, but probably not greasy. It should help the pillowcase not get greasy.

There are a lot of different brands. Some have to be rubbed in more to avoid not looking like you just sprayed powder on your head, especially if your hair is dark.

Also, dry shampoo works really well if you put some in right after you’ve washed your hair to prevent looking greasy. It will also work if your hair already got greasy, but it’s better the other way around.

I hate phrasing this as actually being triggered because it’s uncomfy to center myself in something others are actually legitimately triggered by, but:

I’m triggered by police brutality from ex KC cops. Really wish people would stop showing his face.

And she kept all of them… had me laughing out loud.

If they’re an adult, I have no opinion on it. They get to make their choices like I get to make mine. Personally, I’m very modest when it comes to swimwear, but that’s just how I’m comfortable, and I have zero need to pretend other adults need to dress like me.


Agreed. We are trauma informed and did a lot of reading and preparing to adopt our kids and it still took a huge toll on us. Me in particular. Raising kids with traumatic pasts is 1000% the hardest thing I’ve ever done (or almost done - the youngest of our 3 that came to us from foster care will be 18 in a month, not that raising them stops at 18).

Skip this TL:DR if you don’t want my personal trauma dump - I won’t lay out their entire story here because it’s not really all relevant to this thread, but in addition to the incredibly difficult task of navigating their trauma-related behaviors, all 3 were diagnosed with various mental health issues. I had to fight tooth and nail for the right services for 2 of them, including a years-long battle to get a diagnosis for one of them, and then getting that child on the disability services wait list (10+ years in my state, but I have a friend in Texas whose son is 20 years into the waitlist and still not able to access services).

My child was able to get a waiver for services and could access a few things, but then they turned 18 and the government has decided they’re not actually disabled and should just get a job. So they’re about to lose their insurance and their housing (in a complex for disabled adults) and they are not safe to live with family, so they’ll be homeless. And possibly in jail because they can become violent when they get agitated so they had a court date on that, but they’re not able to complete their anger management course due to their disabilities, so the judge will probably order them locked up. Exactly what I hoped to avoid for all these years.

The state promised to ensure they had the care they needed when we adopted them, but now the state is going to cut off what little assistance my child gets because they were denied for adult disability. Also they are recovering from an open fracture of their finger because they tried to pick up a lawnmower while it was running, which should be exhibit A on why they’re not able to hold a job, but the government cares not.

ANYWAY…. Can you see Brittany dealing with all of that? I’m not a patient person and I’m honestly selfish, too, at the end of the day, but you have to shove all that aside as a parent and I don’t see Brittany doing that for a kid who won’t fawn all over her and act like a grateful orphan for content. My kids are not grateful (ok, maybe a little, sometimes), they’re pissed that their life had to be that way at all. One of them literally says they wish their birth mother had aborted them so they didn’t have a life of mental struggles.

Congrats on 10 years! It’s something to be proud of.

Also, symmetry nerds - unite! But unite lined up, preferably with the tallest in the center and others in descending height order to the sides.

As someone who now has to pay thousands of dollars to a spine specialist because I went to a chiropractor ONCE, that last sentence is certainly accurate.

Don’t let them crack your neck, friends. Not as an adult, and definitely not your baby! I knew better, I knew the risks of neck adjustment, and I wasn’t even there for a neck problem so I wasn’t expecting it. But it happened so fast I didn’t even realize what he was about to do.

Oh, I absolutely agree with you about their want not making them good parents. It’s a terrible idea to set out to adopt and conceive a biological child at the same time.

I hate to tell people this sometimes because it’s the cliche and not the norm, but my husband and I had tried to have another biological child with no success, so we moved ahead with our plans to adopt a sibling group through the foster system. We had already planned to do so when we were done having biological children.

A week after our 3 middle kids moved in I found out I was pregnant. One kid to five kids within a year was wild times. One person actually asked me if we were going to give our middle 3 back after I got pregnant. I’m sorry, what? Do people usually give away their existing kids when a new one comes along?

Anyway… it was crazy and I would never suggest for people to do that intentionally. Meanwhile my youngest used to get mad because it wasn’t fair that he wasn’t also “en-dopted.” He’s never known a life where he didn’t have 4 older siblings and I think that was good for our family.

We had been dating long enough that marriage had been discussed but not engaged yet. I have a thing about symmetry that he was at least somewhat aware of at the time, but maybe he didn’t know the extent of my quirkiness. We were talking about rings one night and I mentioned the symmetry thing and how I hated the wrap-type wedding rings that go around a solitaire engagement ring because the ones I had seen on friends that were engaged at that time didn’t look visually balanced to me. He started laughing but wouldn’t elaborate on why that was funny.

A month or so later he proposed. I said yes. And then he pulled the wrap-style wedding ring out of his pocket and said “this is why I was laughing when you said you hated wrap rings. I had already bought it, but we can go pick out a different one.”

I felt horrible, and in that moment I also knew I would have loved that wrap ring knowing he picked it out for me. But he took me to the store and we got a different wedding band and I’ve worn it for nearly 25 years now.

He will never let me forget that I HATE wrap rings, though! Man, I wish I’d learned to listen more and talk less earlier in life.

Literally. My parents are in their 80s. Last week they were arguing about someone’s name that they knew in 1977 and whether or not a building in my hometown was already there at that time.

You know what they didn’t argue about? Whether or not they had a cell phone in 1977.

He kept a stash of nudie mags on him constantly. If he turned the pages real fast it was like they were moving, honest!

I agree that her motives are generally always gross, but I also think it’s OK for people to want to raise a child from infancy and have that traditional family timeline.

She needs to address her feelings about infertility in therapy so she’s not taking them out on a child she adopts or anyone else, but wanting a baby isn’t inherently bad.

You’re absolutely right that we need more people to adopt older children. There’s no way Brittany and Jordan could handle that, though. They’re not mature enough, empathetic enough, or anything enough to adopt a child with any level of trauma. Three of my kids came to us from foster care. Brittany can’t even manage a simple apology for fraud without sobbing. A traumatized kid would break her in the first week. And I believe there’s video of how Jordan reacts when he thinks someone is “noncompliant…”

Yep. That same attitude is why she has no business fostering, either.

I think the obvious answer is a giant Lego King Kong like they have at the Times Square FAO Schwarz.