No I would not like to see my city gentrified with 15 dollar smoothie cafes and 20 dollar cuban sandwiches why do you ask?


Being empathic is a trait not a skill you can have it while also living in a late stage capitalist hellscape.

Not being empathic is very bad people with no empathy are primitive and outdated (Boomers for example) you seem jaded about the fact you haven’t evolved the trait.

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I will remind you since you seem unaware Trump has already been found liable of raping a woman and forced to pay her millions of dollars; we don't need further proof he is a rapist a jury of his peers done that part for us.

The only part he hasn't been convicted of yet is human trafficking and pedophilia so we can speculate on those two parts for now; luckily for Trump, Epstein was assassinated in federal custody while he was President.

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No he isn't John Doe 174 in Epstein documents is Donald Trump the same Donald Trump that was named in a civil lawsuit with Epstein for raping multiple minors.

His youngest victim was 13 years old; Mar-A-Lago was one of Epstein's favorite places to recruit new young girls into his harem.

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Piers Morgan has to play both sides now because his Tories are going the way of the dinosaurs in a week.

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How many hours a day do you spend building this fake reality for yourself to live in?

Its like paranoid schizophrenia except the shadow demons are pastors and political commentators.


Stuff like that and NDEs is the best for killing time enjoy!


Its because of this episode of her podcast I think anyways.

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Elon will be in federal prison for securities fraud soon stop projecting.

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No the US is too dangerous if we have major civil strife it will be locked down ASAP by the enemies foreign and domestic part of the oath to protect the markets/industries.

The greatest lie our government tells us is that we are protected from tyranny by our guns they’ve got equipment that could wipe us all out without ever even knowing what happened.

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Might as well you all mimic our politics all the time no need to be ashamed of piggybacking off another culture since you don’t have one.

Canada will be the first western country to collapse thanks to the totally unchecked greed of your elites and it will be deserved given the lack of accountability for your woes from the people.

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You don’t have a leftist government numb nuts you’ve got a neo-liberal generational establishment leader from the center right party that is considered center-left for being for social issues.

Replacing that pile of shit with an even more right wing party is genius while the corporations squeeze you out of existence.

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Do they not teach you all what fascism is up in Canada either, a feminist organization is not fascism it’s exclusive to right wing only.

Usually it starts with the downtrodden reject men of society that hate everyone else for their lack of respectable traits.

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Prolly best person overall for getting attention to UFC maybe least up there.


Why 2007 I'd prefer to redo 2015 onward personally or maybe 2000 Al Gore Manbearpig one of those.

This is viewing religion through a realist worldview, anything else is fantasy; it explains the complexity of the interaction between the state and religious institutions much better than the overly simplified apologist sentiment you are offering.

We don't have the older unorganized religions to compare with because they were all wiped out for not being politically convenient.

Your view is becoming the minority which is why organized religions are collapsing across the Western world with the rest to follow.

Correct because religion is a vehicle of state control nothing more; when the Romans twisted Jesus's teachings into their state religion it was for that purpose.

Hindu Nationalists in India


Orthodox Church is state agency in Russia

Yellow Turban Rebellion

Shia Islam is government of Iran.

Manifest Destiny

Japanese Shintoism during WW2

All the Arab monarchies.

All of Europe under the papacy during the worst periods in European history.

The point of religion is not to become a good person it is to reinforce the established authority, establish a pillar of establishment power, and used to justify inhumane actions such as slavery, colonialism, imperialism, castes, divine authority to rule, etc.

Society is morally bankrupt because of the lack of spirituality and overabundance of religion.

Which again is the "dark path" we are discussing in human history.

Its misleading the elite have never faced consequences even as far back as when they tried to overthrow the government in the 1930s. [Facilitated by Prescott Bush Patriarch of the Bush Family]

The only time any elites face consequences is when they fuck over (or can) other elites like Bernie Madoff did or like how Epstein was assassinated in prison to protect his clients.

You probably can't even understand half of what he talks about I could see why you don't like hearing intelligence in action.

He is rated 10th best at the moment by presidential historians and Trump is ranked 41st best but moves to dead last as worst president in history this year.

Its been the plan for decades fake the return of a messiah to overthrow the world.

I wish that were true but it isn’t in the US at least by a large majority churches here are Super PACs filled with hypocrites pretending for tax exemption.

Hopefully after this election we can levy taxes against the politicized ones.

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I think Graham Hancock has a Flint Dibble problem personally.