.. I thought it was pretty cool lol 

Can you please elaborate? I have pictures of a plane that didn’t move as I was flying into Phoenix last year and even in the pictures, it gets smaller and smaller but doesn’t move. You can tell because the nose of the plane was right above a main road that was well lit. We got further away and it just stayed there and to this day I haven’t found a logical answer 

I was flying into Phoenix one night and noticed a plane flying in to the lower left too. Except it wasn’t moving. It was just frozen in the air. I caught it on camera but everyone says it was going slow or just waiting, but I’ve never seen or been on a plane that just stops. All of the photos of it show it in the same place (hovering right above a main road) and it just gets smaller and smaller and stays in place. It was so weird

She’s nuts. I followed her a few years ago and almost immediately unfollow because she was having a mental breakdown about something very insignificant. Apparently, she was telling her baby to stop crying or something the other day so she could finish doing her makeup 🙃 

Have you tried messaging the job poster/ recruiter? Thats how I got a response from my current job! I’d look up ways to stand out from the masses prior to sending though. 

At least she owns where she’s at in life and is unapologetic about it! Courtney just seems very lost, has no sense of self and hides that behind people who give her the attention she craves. 

It’s so wild to me that just a few years ago she was married to (what I remember to be) a seemingly “normal” guy! 

I feel like she just takes a nice pic once and reshares the photos like every morning with links lol 

I don’t follow her but this is a very unforgiving screenshot lmao

I saw that this morning and had that exact thought😳

She never said they wanted to stay there forever 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk why anyone cares. They invest in real estate so this isn’t abnormal. and here in AZ, their resale value is probably far more than what they paid. Especially after adding in an extra room. Plus buyer bought a bunch of furniture. Honestly my husband and I would be doing the same thing if we could lol 

Where I’m from, you were very well off/ rich if you went to private school. So I see where she’s coming from.

Pretty sure Noah told her to stop filming her in the pool while she had her mermaid tail on this weekend. And that made me uncomfortable 

as someone who has had 2 miscarriages in the last 4 months after doing “everything right”… she makes me angry. I’ve commented this here before but I really don’t understand how some people are allowed to carry/ raise children🥲 At first I was so upset she was eating like absolute garbage, but it’s true, she has like no regard for this little baby. If she does, she needs to do a better job at showing it. 

They have an Airbnb and she has a book now, which is possible she received an advance on. They also rent their home in Texas out. Plus she makes good money from her blog/ partnerships. I’m not an expert on the intricacies of obtaining visas etc but I’m sure they have at least been able to save $. 

Let’s be honest, we all want that lifestyle lol

As much hate as they get… I love them and think they would be such amazing and loving parents. I’m so sad for them. I have had 2 miscarriages since October and it’s the most devastating thing I’ve ever experienced. Really praying they get their baby soon🥺

I hate how whiny she is and how she acts like a sad little kid in all their vids 😫😅 she’s super cute and I feel like their content could be so much more tasteful 

I’m so sorry for your losses. I’ve also had 2 losses since October and relate. We didn’t even make it to the first appointments with either pregnancy… first appt was supposed to be tomorrow😞 I feel like a failure. I’m not sure if you believe in God but we take comfort knowing they’re watching over us with Jesus and our family who has passed away. Everything happens for a reason.. I’m taking this as a sign to take control of my hormone health / overall wellbeing and not to rush or stress the process. 

Maybe I am overlooking that🤷🏼‍♀️

Except it’s the people who disagree with what I said that are the first to call people Trumpers and turning it into some gross, derogatory thing. When no one even brought up Trump to begin with lol. My point is, is it’s scary that people are quick to ostracize others over a simple question regarding celebrities that we don’t even KNOW 

Have fun living in your little closed minded world where you believe everything without deigning to ask questions 😊of course, that’s what the actual facists of the world want in order to keep everyone trapped in this little system of theirs. 

The amount of downvotes this has already literally solidifies my point😂 

The fact that people get THIS upset any time someone questions their extremely publicized relationship is the problem. You can still like her and understand  she’s one of the most famous people in the world.. also a very business savvy woman. It wouldn’t shock a lot of people if it was a PR stunt. 

That’s ok they’ll probably build a new house to fix that issue lmao