One of my favorite odd takes on his story is a short by Gaiman titled the Bay Wolf, but here he's a werewolf hired by rich SoCal beach partiers whose loud music was angering the local sea monster. His name was Talbot, a nod to the character in the old wolfman movies.

I'm the roughest, toughest, rootinest tootinest shootinest outlaw this side of the reikland grandey

Melkor also got beat up and captured by Tulkas. That was long before the silmarils. The point was made earlier that Tulkas was physically strongest but not mightiest, however this whole section is about fights so it's worth mentioning.

When a crusher trades his maul for wings

You're in the wrong line dumbass

If all you do is lash out at the world, especially over casual offhand comments on the internet, you won't have a very rich life.

You went back and changed your original comment. Wow, this is really, really important to you.

I'm so so sorry.

Yep, it's one of the limits of purely written communication. Be well!

How can you not follow what I'm saying? Things don't come easy or quick to you, do they?

I appreciate the apology. I honestly don't care either. I was just making an offhand comment and it seems I triggered some folks.

So pointing out she can do what she wanted to do is bitching to you?

Comment claimed she wanted to. If she did, nothing was stopping her after shooting wrapped.

I thought that's what they did with 40k. Apparently not.

I stopped using it when they took away the vet perk to instant reload.