• Ask open-ended questions in conversation. For example, if someone says, I work for British Rail, don't follow up with "Do you like it there", instead, ask: "what's it like working there?".
  • Think of topics ahead of time.
  • Don't be afraid to let you inner monologue be spoken aloud. Make a general statement about something.
  • Play a game of "Reminds me of." Try not to talk too much about yourself, but exchanging stories can be a good way to keep a conversation going as long as you pay adequate attention to other people.

Not at all. I have always struggled against this Evergaol.

It's ultimately good representation. Casual watchers likely associate OSRS with chopping trees for 100s of hours and baking a cake. The run did a great job of showing that there is high level raid content to be played in the game. I'm just not sure how many people would be convinced to try the game from that.

I thought that. There wasn't much there to explain the general game. Like, explain that you're limited to 28 slot inventory. Explain that multiple gear loadouts are being carried. Explain how prayer works. Explain how combat works.

Instead it assumed what I would consider much more than a baseline understanding of the game.

But if you planned to have a Photo ID for the election and don't, for example you lost it, you can apply to vote by emergency proxy and self-certify.

The builder probably thinks its council owned. Just say to the builder if he can try his best to mind the grass as its yours, I'm sure they'll make more of an effort.

You have until 5pm today to apply to vote by emergency proxy.


I truly don’t understand why you believe I’m engaging in bad faith. Like I said, I know someone who fought Romina as their first major boss. I myself fought Romina before Messmer. It’s needlessly argumentative rather than just taking what I’m saying at face value. My opinions are based on mine and my friends experience of the game. I’m sorry you can’t believe that.

It's only just occurred to me that Capcom wanted us all to do what Frank is doing with that SD TV, seeing as Dead Rising is unplayable on that screen!

Are you a contrarian on the internet because it makes you feel intellectually superior or do you just do it for fun?

No skin off my back if you choose to not believe something I have no reason to lie about 🤷‍♂️

You've either missed that the game is fully voiced now, or you're forgetting that a lot of the original game is text based, for example, calls with Otis, or talking to survivors in the safe house. They need to record brand new voicelines for all those pieces of dialogue, which means re-recording everyones voicelines that have both spoken and unspoken dialogue in the original game. This includes Frank.

Regardless of all that, my original point was more that the post is complaining while people are still learning the game. They will learn eventually that they need to explore more. Players of this game do not exist in limbo, your experience of trying the boss with another player from their own perspective might be: "Oh shit, the boss is really hard even with a player summon, maybe I need to go get stronger first".

People in this sub, who are almost certainly some of the most literate players, are taking their own experience of this extremely open-ended and flexible DLC and applying it to everyone. It borders on elitism.

My advice for people playing co-op is that, if you can't handle random people on the internet not knowing the game as well as you do, or playing in an inefficient way, that perhaps co-op isn't really for you.

I'm ultimately fine with it because I'm sure reliance on the Autosave system will end up being a curse as well as a blessing. I have no doubt people will end up being caught running out of time to do everything they want to do, which will in turn end up with them having to have the intended game experience: "Which survivors shall I give up on? Shall I give up on the main investigation for this run through?" etc.

While true that the base game means that many players should have an appreciation of going away and becoming stronger, the DLC has flipped its progression system on its head by making Rune Level almost meaningless. You cannot rely upon the lessons that have come before if you have uprooted the very foundations those lessons are based upon.

Like I said, someone might well have thought they have found all the blessings that they can find, and the DLC is just that difficult.


My friend literally did it. He wasn't going out of his way to ignore anything. He just explored and that was the first rememberance boss he came to.

Speaking for myself, while it wasn't my first rememberance boss, I fought and beat Romina before I ventured past the Storehouse First Floor Grace in Shadow Keep.

I thought it was fairly well known. In Japan it is very difficult to sack someone. The company has to have extremely good reason, and it's for this reason why their job application processes are so stringent.

In many companies though, there exists a thing called a Banishment Room. This is essentially an exit strategy that results in the employee choosing to leave of their own accord. It usually involves giving the employee a menial and tedious task in a poor working environment, like watching a screen for 10 hours a day in order to "look for any irregularities in programming".

Many big name companies are known to do it, including Sony.

So while we might not have heard of any official Layoffs, it could well be possible that some small teams have been Banished in order to close a team organically.

You don't need to go anywhere near Messmer. The way to the Ruins is accessible from the Storehouse First floor.

Romina can be your first major boss, not counting the Hippo as it's not a rememberance. You can get to Scadu Altus by taking a Spirit Spring to Fort Reprimand. Then just work your way through Shadow Keep and the ruins until you get to Romina.

No, I'm thinking of Romina. I am literally talking to a friend whose first rememberance boss beaten was Romina.


If you recall Elden Ring's base game, many new players to the genre bashed their heads against Tree Sentinel or Margit for hours. Because all they knew was that the game was difficult. It was supposed to be difficult. It takes more than some pushback to convince that someone should go away and try later. They might assume that it is simply a skill issues, and this boss is going to take some practice and effort.

The same is true for the DLC. The DLC is always harder than the base game, many reviewers commented on that with Shadow in their reviews, especially EuroGamer who marked the game down as a result. A player may well come to their first major boss and think: "The game is supposed to be hard, this is going to take some practice, maybe I can summon another player for help!"

Maybe they'll come to the conclusion that they should explore more after struggling even with Player summons. There's no need for this level of elitism and disdain for players who aren't playing the game perfectly.

It's a game about learning for goodness sake. Just because you encounter someone at the learning stage doesn't make them dumb or worthy of ridicule.

While I get your point, the game is laid out in such a way that Romina or Bayle could very well be your first major boss of the DLC depending on how you explore. The game is very vague about where Scadutree Fragments can be found. You might assume they're only as the crosses for instance.

Essentially, not everyone you run into online is living and breathing the the DLC the same way you are. As far as they know, this is the correct Blessing level for the boss.