Living rent free in your head about you being wrong is cute and all, but I really don't need it. Feel free to be enamored with, and waste the time of, someone else.

Being crybabies because the endless strat (which is 0 fun btw) got nerfed without thinking deeper won’t bring you anywhere nor constructive feedback.

You undercut any slim facade that you're engaging in this conversation for constructive feedback the moment you (other logical fallacies above aside) resort to ad hominems with the mask of seeking constructive feedback. Clearly, even your fallacies aside, your own lack of objectivity is shining through here.

People need to understand that this change is preliminary to the endless rework.

People need to understand that this is also one of the reasons why other people are upset.

There was no reason to push a partial change that is reliant on a later update to substantiate the change (and otherwise causes a substantial negative effect on the users). It should have been saved for the complete rework (or at least not retroactive to currently existing runs), rather than bricking people's runs.

It's almost like karma fluctuates and might have been lower than that when the edit was made.

But you surely knew that before making your comment.

I'll defend Gleyber as fast as anybody, particularly as petulant as this sub tends to be toward him. But wholly fuck was this not a good game for him (fielding-wise, particularly). Haha

Edit: The downvotes are cute.

I mean, aside from maxing one of each for collection purposes, what's the issue? It takes 60 seconds.

There's a hilarious level of irony here, but it's really immaterial because, you being confidently incorrect aside, you missed the point (twice, really). At risk of being stuck wasting time chasing your stubborn tail with you, I'm quite comfortable leaving it at that. Cheers.

PIT - NHL :61310:

It really isn't that surprising.

Hell, nobody would know who Zemgus is if it weren't for the asinine/idiotic Latvian fan voting debacle that carried him into the All Star game in 2015.

I did one rotation for discounts/free since I have stones saved and am missing literally every banner unit.

First two pulls were xeno and then rift, then Frieza again on 4th on screen crack. I'm fucked for Anni.

With their stone count**

Otherwise, it's not that "wild" if people have the stones and play the game for collection purposes (particularly if they did not pull on pic/goh and/or are missing a useful SBR/ESBR unit like Bardock).

(with the obvious possibility of outright hacking, but I'm not making that claim)

Automation/botting (with the obvious possibility of outright hacking, but I'm not making that claim)

Need to beat it with a spliced pokemon on your team.

You would. I am not arguing what the fanbase or any other onlooker subjectively thinks is going to happen.

They're not sending down Nestor with his tenure and experience, they weren't moving Schmidt after stretching him out, and they're not moving the large contract guys.

Gil was going to be the guy moved absent a six man rotation. It's that simple. (Particularly since it's unlikely he sustains his current stats)

Except it was going to happen, absent a six man rotation. They're not sitting/moving Rodon, Stroman, Nestor, or Schmidt to the pen, period, over Gil (who is likely going to be on an innings count toward the end of the season anyways).

It's a "get no further in the playoffs than we did while losing pieces of value" move. Just making a trade for a star player does not make it a "win now" move, and Donovan makes no more sense for us than giving up this ridiculous of a package.

Excellent guide. Looking forward to more.

The comedic inserts here and there got a chuckle out of me.

You don't need it, but if it's a shiny, it's literally a double bonus. I've kept a Linoone through Floor 200 for two runs now, and it's found me grip claws, STAB items, and of course a ton of berries. Pick up can be very, very helpful for supplementing the store on held items, and you don't need 6 OP mons to win.

Hell, I give mine Rest/Belly/stat down moves and use it to sac debuff when I have to. Otherwise, he just sleeps for 200 floors while I'm transferring things off him (or onto him if I want the berries saved for later).


Just finished a classic run where it was surprisingly decent as my fairy type. Beat the mode with it supporting.

:nyy3: New York Yankees

I just inhaled my beer, which resulted in my forcibly and very uncomfortably exhaling my beer.