
And me!

Team Spinosaurus

Your name has nude on it, man, I bet my kid knows what gonorrhoea is

Team Spinosaurus

Scientists say that me dic big, source: the scientists bro

Oh God, oh no, it looks as if deadpool is just gonna shot sabertooth in the second image, like that's the stance right?, they make a big deal about and then deadpool just pits a bullet in sabretooths head for a joke? Pls no

Tassie Tiger Main (shhh)

It's possible

That looks so wrong to me now... for some reason...

Bro I don't hate azrael, he and waylon are easily my favourite characters in batman ever. I just really don't think it suits Michael Lane to have the same character arc as Jason, he needs to be unique.

Red Hoods troubled in a different way, he was corrupted by grief and the feeling of betrayal, once he realised that those feelings had no merit he tried his best to mend the gap between him and Bruce. Of course he is still damaged and it has taken a while for Jason to heal.

Azrael on the other hand, was kicked out of the police force and in his moment of weakness, the order 'stole' his own mind, when batman broke the orders control, instead of instantly becoming a sidekick, or following exactly Jason's character arc, I believe Azrael needs to find out what his life was before and take retribution on St Dumas alone, sole crusader style.

I don't think azrael should ever be fully healed, and should stay a broken character forever, unlike Jason. I love azrael because he's so broken so impossibly broken (That way it also makes sense that once he hears about Bruce's 'death' by bane he slips back into the state of weakness and is corrupted by the order again, becoming knightfall version of azrael).

I don't care what op is saying, but why the fuck is azrael part of this poll? Imo he is not part of the batfamily, bro is not a good guy, he was mindcontrolled by the order and made to kill but just cause batman broke his conditioning doesn't mean he's know instantly a fucking good guy. In my headcanon he becomes a crusader and fights against the order, not a sidekick.

I think it's gonna be ๐Ÿ”ฅ, but I'll probably will never be able to play it, at least i can watch someone play it


Hon hon, hon-hon hon hon hon-hona hon... hon hon hon honhon, hon hon honhon

