Our sweet senior kitty had an aggressive cancer in his anal gland and his tumor made it impossible for him to poop. He stopped eating and drinking. He was bleeding puddles whenever he unsuccessfully tried to use his litter box. He had an unsuccessful surgery 6 days ago. It all went down in the course of just a month, and I’m just in total shock. He was perfectly fine until late April.

Deep down I know there was just no way to save him, but I feel an immense amount of guilt about taking away his life. I can’t help but think of the “what if”, even though I also know there was no other choice but to take his pain away. Today was beautiful out and all I could think of was that he should’ve been basking in the sun on our windowsill right now, and I took that from him.

We put him down about 24 hours ago and I can’t stop crying. I feel so guilty for deciding to end his life. How do I cope with this? Why do I feel such regret? Any comforting words are so much appreciated ❤️ I am heartbroken.