Pick up the IEEE Brown Book from ebay. Doesn't matter which edition you get. It will introduce you to many of the power system studies.


Also be sure to pick up a new hobby. If female, choose between astrology, reiki, and yoga certifications. If male, choose between Jiu Jitsu, Startups, and offroading/guns.

Austin, TX. It is a requirement that every person who moves to Austin must adopt a dog and get a tattoo upon arrival.

Check all the neighborhoods north of downtown, that's the best area to live and there are still some cheap spots.

Chicago. Get two roommates and lease a three bedroom apartment. Just live somewhere that has easy access to the bus and train system. Get a job that you can commute to by bus or train. $1000/mo for all expenses will be tough to hit but it might be possible.

You can easily get a house for $350k in the better suburbs of rust belt cities like Buffalo. School district is great and it's cloudy more than half of the year. No sunburns!

People tend to be a lot more polite in a B2B situation. They don't want to get reamed out by their boss for pissing off the vendors. So you won't have the same issue as you do now at Lowe's.

Can you get into a software company as an SDR? Then after a year or two if you make the cut you will be promoted to Account Manager.

LA traffic is murder and the prices are way too high. You will see more homeless people than beaches. I would go with Tampa.

Try going to community college for Electrical Engineering Technology. Then get a job at a utility. You can even talk to the community college beforehand to get an idea of which utilities in the area are hiring from that school and for which jobs.

You can get a few acres in upstate NY for cheap. I also saw really cheap land in Western NC.

It's the central americans coming across the border these days. Mexicans stopped immigrating here years ago.

I suspect that NYC is saturated with lawyers and law industry hopefuls. So it might make sense to choose another city. Can you look for paralegal and/or legal secretary jobs in other states such as Tennessee, Wisconsin, or even upstate NY? I would think that the lower cost of living would also give you more flexibility regarding which jobs you can accept.

Where's the father? Child support payments?

Rust belt cities have a lot of warehouse jobs because of the manufacturing industry. Check the Cleveland, OH metro area.

Why the pet supply industry? If you are interested in doing outside sales, I think that an easier industry to break into would be industrial sales. For example, U-Line, U&I Products, Parker Hannifin, and many other smaller industrial supply companies need salespeople to sell into various territories. You might drive a car to offices/plants. From what I've heard this is an industry that many people don't think about, so if you are sharp and show interest you might be able to get in and do well.

People who travel all the time and only talk about traveling are super basic.

Dude yes. The first thing I think when I hear a woman talk about all of her travels is $$$. No way I'm going to be able to keep up with that spending habit. Traveling internationally from the USA is SO EXPENSIVE and in my opinion is a super basic thing to do.

If you genuinely like other cultures you can find it pretty easily if you just go talk to the mexicans or the nigerians or whoever already lives in your city.

Join the sales team in a company that sells B2B software solutions to the financial/accounting/logistics industry. Look for roles such as Customer Success Manager or Customer Onboarding Specialist.

Examples of companies would be Quickbooks, Flexport, etc.

Yes the heat, traffic, crowds is way too much for me.

I totally get how some people love Austin, because it does have a strong vibe. But I'm not a hippie and I'm not a podcaster tech bro.