OTR is my favorite, because it helps you hide and avoid more opportunistic tunneling. I throw it on just about every build and I almost always get some kind of value, even against killers who aren't interested in tunneling. 

I think the best solo queue anti-tunnel build is probably Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Off the Record, and Reassurance (in case your teammate gets tunneled) or Made for This (if you don't trust solo queue teammates to not just immediately unhook anyway). 

You could also pair Second Wind with Wicked to get 20 seconds of wallhacks on the killer and make it much easier to get a full heal off the hook.  If you run this with OTR and DH, if the killer plays around OTR by immediately breaking Endurance off the hook, you'll heal up in 20s to injured and be able to use DH without needing to mend.

On the one hand, I don't like going against builds specifically created for a particular map. On the other, sometimes I need a break from Toba Landing, Lery's, and Greenville, and I just want a normal Coal Tower game. 

So they're mad about the bikini, but will go far out of their way to only pay attention to the survivor with the bikini? Isn't that just openly admitting they want to look at Sable in a bikini?

Solo queue and Distortion has unironically started to feel like the prisoner's dilemma for me.

There's some good guides on YouTube, like the one by OhTofu or the one by SupaAlf, but actually practicing is the only way to get better with her. A lot of what you need to learn is how to read a survivor's movements and predict them, kind of like Huntress, and the only way to get better at that is to play against a lot of different survivors. 

A lot of her skill floor is just muscle memory, though, and you can reduce that with the Plaid Flannel add-on. I don't like running it because it can be distracting, but it was really helpful when I was first getting used to blink distances. 

It's fine to camp hooks, but be aware that camping as an undetectable killer is very effective against weaker players and not so much against stronger players. You may see this tactic become less effective over time, but there's nothing inherently wrong with camping a hook. 

Yes, but lockers will hide auras and the HUD will alert everyone that someone is actively being carried. As soon as the perk is revealed, if the survivor has no tokens, they'll just stay near a locker and get in it whenever a known or suspected aura perk is triggered.

Bad stealth build; boons give sound cues to the killer and can reduce the area you're likely to be in, inadvertently reducing your stealth potential. 

Sole Survivor is better than Shadowstep because you're just about guaranteed to get your teammates killed while running a full stealth build, so the extra aura blocking from the stacks is actually much more consistent than a boon.

No other regression perk can hold a 3-gen for very long with the regression limit, so it still has unique value over other perks, but I think Eruption has been a bit stronger and more consistent for me on killers with decent mobility. 

Bro, you're gonna be fine if BHVR changes something so that you can't spend two minutes standing in an exit gate waiting to crouch at someone. Take a breath. 

Clearly it wasn't pointless if it got you so worked up you went to Reddit to whine about it. 

I would check out his 10 hour video from about 6 months ago where he gives tips for every killer. He uses builds for each killer with only general perks and each killer's teachables so that you don't have to prestige anyone to have a full build. 

For Huntress, he suggested Bitter Murmur, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, and Spies from the Shadows. 

Link to the full video: https://youtu.be/8UU_RHX3xGc?feature=shared

I genuinely don't mean any offense, but it's kind of a skill issue if you can't last at least 60 seconds against a Trickster in chase.

Agitation is the fair version of remote hooking. You have more hooks to choose from and can get to a hook faster, but body blocking, sabotaging, etc., can still be utilized. It also doesn't entirely negate a survivor going down as far as possible from generators, but it reduces the impact. 

Maybe like Urban Evasion so you can crouch around shorter loops a little better? Honestly, though, Trickster's not that hard to counter. Just don't throw yourself at him while he has Main Event up.

You can also blink on top of the porch railings on Haddonfield.

If you slap a Leon's ass three times while they're doing a generator, they'll give you a flashbang. 

Tunneling and camping are easier to do than they are to counter, and a lot of it is exacerbated by teammates making bad decisions, like farming the survivor getting tunneled off the hook.

I feel like a lot of survivors do not understand that working on a generator while injured fifteen feet away from the killer is an extremely aggressive play.

I don't think you're the asshole for anything that's a strategy to win a game. Survivors using BGP and Flashbang or pre-nerf Fuckle Up, Blights running double iri with four slowdowns, Tricksters proxy camping hooks, Trappers locking down basements, it's all just strategies to try to win. 

Also, the fact that it got to one gen left means everyone got at least some bloodpoints, so you were probably playing nicer than I usually do. 


I actually found this guide really helpful when I was working through achievements for advice on how to do some of the more unpleasant ones like Outbreak Breakout and Evil Incarnate. 

Speaking of Evil Incarnate, I would recommend going for that challenge while your Myers MMR is still low. It's a lot easier to get done if you're going against survivors who don't really know the counterplay like getting into lockers. 

All it's going to do is prevent a survivor having an ego trip and insisting on bleeding out for four minutes in a corner to waste someone's time. 

Chucky is a 110 killer who relies on a rush attack to close distances and end chases. If you like Oni's Demon Dash, you'll probably like Chucky's Slice and Dice. 

Don't use the perk Hex: No One Escapes Death because it can raise your MMR too quickly and make the game less enjoyable. 

And if you think you may want to 100% the game, go for the Evil Incarnate achievement early.