Wabi Special

They're loud aren't they?

I was a non fan at one point and someone recommended nonagon. I didn't "get" it. But what sold me was mind fuzz and quarters! :)

Wabi Special

I do squats and deadlifts to train my core. It has helped for years for managing my lower back pain. That being said, I still ride with my stem positive because I am not an aggressive rider and I like to get a good field of vision where I can see cars coming by without having to turn my neck so much. Having a +17° stem helps me enjoy the scenery as well.

I actually read some of their posts. What you said is accurate, they just see it going downhill and don't want to be a part of it. Kudos to them.

What I know from US history is the white supremacists have historically held political power but gradually they have integrated other races among the ranks out of necessity similar to how Zionism started as an Ashkenazi move ment but slowly integrated other Jewish peoples.

It always looks idiotic when a minority joins the white supremacist fascists but at the end of the day the core element of oppression is not race but class/economic status.

Honestly I don't think anyone is talking about that because unlike the Palestinian genocide which has produced hundreds if not thousands of videos and pictures of decapitated children or complete destruction of infrastructure, when you look up Uyghur genocide all I can find pictures of people in Western countries protesting. I'd really like to learn more about it and if it's happening then China should definitely be held accountable. At the moment however, it is clear to the world that a genocide is occurring in Gaza yet the United States who claims to be the champion of freedom and democracy continues to fund and enable it while denying that a genocide is even happening.

They were raised fascist, I try to understand them.

This makes me love them and all you guys even more, especially all the beautiful Jewish people speaking out against the crimes of Israel.♥️🍉

Hamas doesn't equal the Palestinian people just like Israel doesn't represent Jewish people.

This isn't a complex issue. Palestinians were forcibly removed from their land and many of them tortured and killed. We have a strong sense of unity and tradition and have heard the stories of our parents and grandparents.

Also one more thing about Hamas, there is no way any Palestinian or anybody can condone the violence they did. The state of Israel has been destabilizing our leadership for decades by assassinating almost all of our great socialist revolutionaries and then funding Hamas to create infighting among the Palestinians. This is a known fact that you can read about. Similar to how the US divided funded the Muslim fundamentalists the Mujahideen to destabilize and overthrow the government in Afghanistan. Then Israel: -builds more and more illegal settlements in the West bank -continues to occupy the West bank -continues to harass Palestinians in the West bank and displace more people -kills journalists While the US, sits down with Israel and other Arabs for the Abraham accords and moves it's capital to Jerusalem (without specifying West Jerusalem)

It's no wonder some fucked up shit happened during October 7. What Hamas did was sick and wrong but Israel should be held accountable as well!

They're like a lot of us here. We live in the U.S., it's all we know, but we'd like to completely change the system of the country we call home.

Racist ass Nazi cunt.

Even more reason for all of us to keep fighting the struggle. Keep up with the boycotts and do every little we can.

My Father, and both his parents were born in Bethlehem, but most of the family has moved to Amman since then.

Me and my wife just had the joy of having chicks. They're so precious.😍

Please give the bird a chance to exercise! These birds really shouldn't be kept in these small cages, it's cruel. I hope you can take care of this bird and educate your grandparents, good luck 🙏🏻

Wabi Special

Eyy I got a special myself but I'm always jealous when I see someone has a purple one.

Does anyone know if the warrants for Palestinian leaders is just Hamas? If Oct. 7 was Hamas' doing, then I believe only Hamas should receive arrest warrants.