:nebraska: Nebraska Cornhuskers

I can tell you off the top of my head that he surrendered 21 runs in 6 appearances this season. I'm not sure on his total but Holy shit dude.

Hope to see y'all in the football threads this fall.

Need to find a wide receiver to shit talk, Tym.

Man, throwing in the Perry er....towel, looks real dumb right now

Well they're really good most of the time.

It's those times in between that get ya.

Nah. This team got shellac'd by Creighton and SDSU. They kinda deserve this ending.

Love them, but this regional had me clutching pearls before the first pitch.

That's a SHIT LOAD of games to lose in spite of your coaching staff

And I have no idea where that comes from.

It's hopefully more than 50 games a season, so you can expect at least a little inconsistency. But this season, it's like a light switch game to game. That's what has been frustrating. They'll look awesome on Saturday just to look terrible on Tuesday.

Look, ESPN would like you to know that the SEC deserved a record number of bids. It doesn't matter that...checks notes... more than half of them won't advance.

Yeah, I don't agree with firing Bolt either. I mean, he's got potential. We've just never seen it. You've got to hope he knows how to adjust and improve in the future.

Bolt could have a very long tenure here. Right now I want to see it through.


Look man, the reason a lot of fans are upset about this season is because of...well, just look at this game.

A 40 win season is pretty good, conference notwithstanding. But dude, they've had so many games like today where they just shit the bed. Bad fielding, horrible ABs, pitchers that accidentally brought their bat-homing balls. It just doesn't make sense. I keep going back to the Charleston series, when these guys came back in 3 straight games. Where in the hell did that team go? Why can't this program get itself past a regional? Why can't they be intense every single day?

Just deflating. High ceiling/low floor team. Just seems like there aren't a lot of killers in that dugout since March.

If these guys could hit with RISP they'd have 50 wins this season

Will Nebraska get a lead-off man aboard ever again this season?

Stay tuned!

Well I'll be.

Things to work on in the off-season. Keeping the bats hot, putting batters away with 2 strikes.

They seem miles ahead in many respects. Though Texas is shitting the bed.

I know the SEC is very good at baseball, but the rest of division 1 has a legitimate gripe against the pass they get in this sport.

Even if the Huskers can't beat Florida, it will be tough for the Gators to beat Oklahoma State twice. That would be 5 of 11 SEC teams eliminated in the regional round. Do they really deserve a record number of bids if over half of them get eliminated before the Supers?