I would have voted Non in 1992. Not to continue Apartheid but to force a better negotiated settlement. If a two state solution wasn’t possible then at least a strong Federal model with a province for Afrikaners.

70% of the country will keep voting those three parties. They will never vote DA into power nationally. They can’t stomach what they perceive to be a “White Party.”

That’s why all that will happen is people complaining about how SA is becoming Zim 2.0

And how would have voted? With hindsight being your friend.

70% of the country will keep voting black nationalist. Minorities are deluding themselves into thinking they’ll have power in SA.

ANC-DA-IFP-FF+ coalition. The most hopeful outcome if SA is to have some future.

I still think Cape Independence is the best option long term. MK and EFF will try to make the country “ungovernable” to punish the ANC.

SA is an artificial construct from 1910.

How did you vote in 1992? If you were old enough.

Also this article is misleading. Kosovo isn’t a theocracy lol.

And I think you’re cherry picking some really fringe and rare Christian Nationalist views to make your own point. I’ve been to some of the most Christian and/or White Nationalist places in America which are in Northern Idaho. No such silly practices exist among them.

Lukashenko is neo Soviet who wants to keep Minsk looking like it was in 1988, and the opposition is Neoliberal that wants Minsk to look like London.

Where do you stand if you oppose both?

Trump doesn’t have dementia which would automatically make him a better choice. His bad qualities aren’t in short supply, but the fact that the people who ruined this country hate him…that’s encouraging.

I think Trump has a million thoughts a second and can’t get out what he wants to say in an eloquent manner. Neither of them is a good speaker.

But Biden may really have dementia and doesn’t have the cognitive capacity anymore to be in that office. Trump isn’t in such shape…you not liking what he has to say notwithstanding.

I think the Democrats chose Biden because of how much his mental faculties had declined. That makes him a much easier to control President. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him something to sign and he doesn’t know what he’s signing.

They should have gone with the much sharper Michael Bloomberg. But then that guy wouldn’t be such an easy puppet.