gotta say i love his grumpy persona too (although i'm not on twitter so i may be missing some obnoxious moments which would make me like him less)

Obviously that was figurative, but i kind of like that he is "not on the front row" right now. He's one of those rare voices that can have independent takes on the subject, while having a deep understanding and practical experience of it.

Oh yeah Yann is just ... kind of the current Boss of AI ? Also he's French so Muskrat should have known to not fuck with him.

This picture has a big David LaChapelle vibe !

The thirst for violence on this kind of subs is unquenchable. You could post a video of a grown man kicking a toddler in the face and they'd be joking "oh no i hope he didn't ruin his shoes". Just a bunch of weakling teenagers fantasizing about being big and strong.

I consume human-produced items of auditory entertainment and then rank them from counterfeit to authentic. It pleases my data processing circuits.

dude... You're missing the whole entire point of it.

What's hilarious is that the "proof" of the post is the most generic hair-rock song imaginable. Love the song but it's not like it's a showcase of genius or anything.

Because who fucking cares about "buying into a lie". When you listen to a song and it gives you the shivers, do you go into a full blown investigation of the artist ? Fuck no, you just take the dopamine and move on.

There are a million artists with fundamental defects that make music teachers scream in agony. The point is to release poignant music using the capacities you have right now, not to wait until you're a "perfect artist".

Some of the management made the dumbest decisions

I think that's the kind of subtle part of my point. I'm not saying some of the management make dumb decisions. I'm saying a large part of the good decisions are taken by people who are <100. Because the correlation between intelligence and good decisions is not as tight as we want to believe, and on a functional level a group of 95s performs virtually the same as a group of 105s. At least that's where i'd put my money if there was a way to measure that.

the 100+ are the ones that get everything packed together in the end

That is simply not true. The world is not divided between "makers" with <100 IQ and "packagers" with >100IQ. Instead, each group has its own distribution curve. They may have slightly different skew but you'll have geniuses way down at the production line, and idiots way up in the offices. Geniuses who can only ever follow orders, and morons who have great leadership skills etc...

The internet is a telling example. I can guarantee you that this fine piece of engineering is not run by smart people. Even in bleeding edge domains such as AI you meet some people who are objectively stupid but their brain has a weird configuration that works with specific types of math.

The trap here is that intelligence was very very important when we were cavemen, so we instinctively overplay its importance. But the more modern the world becomes (and the more the population increases), the less of a factor it becomes. "Quantity has a quality of its own" after all.

Removing the intelligent half would be much worse. Some things will completely disappear. There would be no science, no new technologies invented, all the tools developed to manage things efficiemtly could not be used.

That is not as obvious as you think. The vast majority of people doing science and tech are just regular people, some above average, some below. Modern science doesn't run on genius juice as it used to - it rather runs on determined people able to cooperate in large groups over large time periods. Sure you'd see a hit but it's not like science & tech would stop existing overnight.

If you're refuting a fictional argument based on a reference they made to pop culture, i've got bad news ...

This kind of scale is so enormous that everything becomes a problem. The ammonium release from the decomposition would be significant, but so would be the traces of heavy metal found in each organism, which multiplied by 4 billion is not traces anymore.

Completely agree with you that the intelligence cutoff is irrelevant. Because of the scale of the destruction, yes, but also because society does not rely on super smart people as much as we'd like to think.

Given these features,

That's what gave it away for me, it is always heavy on this kind of coordinating bits. I suspect because its capacity to reason is so entirely verbal it needs this kind of scaffolding to support the logical progression of its argument.

haha let me know how it goes !

yes that sounds practical too ! the main point is to that the meat should be exposed to hot air on all sides

French here, so you know it's gonna get pedantic.

You absolutely can cook meat on the rack. In fact, you definitely should, it's gross to cook a piece of meat on an oven sheet and it cooks unevenly. Worse still in a pan aaargh.

You just need to put a pan underneath to catch anything that drips down. In fact that pan has a dedicated name, it's a "lèchefrite" which means "fry licker" if you take it literally. That's a nice name isn't it ?

Yeah it was fucked. I don't specifically remember being bothered by the smoke at the time but, well, we're 3 kids in my family and we all smoke :( my parents were kind of party animals so the house was pretty smoky too.

It also is honestly non-trivial. Thousands of women will try it but those who really have "no job skills" will make 12 bucks and give it up.

Well you did say "most people are clever enough not to do it", which is equally untrue.

IDK about other countries but i know in France around 50% of adults have tried at least cannabis so...

That's what's so enraging about ragebait. "This could not happen anymore nowadays", for a video about something that happened last week...

You can't cause litigiousness is an imaginary property of a country. Surely there's a bunch of proxies like "amount of lawsuits per year per person" but because court systems don't work exactly the same, this proxy may or may not be accurate.

Here in France when i was a kid they'd just set fire to a big old pile of tires to demonstrate how they then put out the fire. Different times, man...

Then you're a dangerous person. I'm sorry but it is what it is. Fantasizing about violence when presented with a hypothetical is pathetic enough, admitting it in public is a level above, being proud of it is max level. There is nothing i despise more than this brain rot, i hope to god you're just saying that to look tough on the internet.

If you think running around doing that isn't a correctable behavior

You probably don't have shit in your life if you're ready to maybe go to jail to "fix" some random antisocial dumb fuck. Her behaviour is her own - your responses are your own.