I’m looking at a LOT of empty beach there, this seems weird to care about

I can’t unsee Crush’s side profile, with the eye and all


It was tongue-in-cheek. My coworkers do play Pokémon go, sitting at the lunch table and not moving, though - so I know movement isn’t actually required.

Try getting it inside airport security when you realize you’ve lost your charger and need to have your work phone on. $23.99, and it stops working the day you return home.

I mean, where are you from? It’s the same in England and in Australia.

Just curious, did you rent out the whole skate park for the party?

So when you googled it, did you read the definition or just check that caddy is a word? Catty, as in a cat. Never heard someone jokingly do the yowl and scratching motion to mock an angry person?

You are living on one of the cheapest rental agreements that I’ve heard of in the past decade, and your landlord increased it by $50, saving you $150/month. Your response to this is to wish a painful death on him.

Luck 83 vs 15. Willing to bet the skill score is not as high, haha.

I don’t know your full situation, but your parents have multiple kids well into their 20s living at home. Chances are, this is a family problem, not a brother problem.

If you’re 28 and single, you can go almost anywhere and make enough to get yourself an apartment. You are one of the luckiest people on the planet - being able to live at your parent’s house when you have a personal issue puts you at the absolute peak of global privilege.

Stop complaining while living at your parent’s house while choosing not to move to an area where any menial job would net you enough to get an apartment.

Your point does not stand. You said that America controls global steel production, and China is the leading steel producer.

We also have to test the Rockwell of the steel. I can get 60 Rc hardened 4150 or 52100. When I need it to be an adequate hardness for embossing metal, it arrives at that hardness. Then it goes and embosses 24 gauge steel for panels or garage doors, which it literally would not be able to do without ruining whatever pattern we engrave into the rolls.

Do I know that American steel is generally better? Yes, but I actually work with both types of steel and frequently work with multiple steel suppliers in the US and China, and you just copy things you read on the internet, spam web facts and think that makes your invalid point stand.

Who told you all of this? You sound really confident and yet you’re just wrong. China is the world’s largest steel producer. I have to purchase hardened steel at my job all the time and US prices are so outrageous we have to purchase from China half the time.

Imagine somebody is too dumb to figure out that “milk” is regular milk, so they put “REGULAR” in caps to stave off stupidity and there are still people stupid enough to make an angry post on Reddit about it

Your first problem is thinking you have a butt when you just have leg sockets

IF this is true, and it sounds like a weird teenage revenge fantasy, then your dad is a pussy