Not a coincidence. The prophecy is named a Song of Ice and Fire and A Song of Ice and fire is the events of the prophecy.

toddler mom

Waking up to care for a baby is sooo much different than waking up to pee or drink during pregnancy. When you’re pregnant, you get up to do those things but you can go back to sleep right after, and if you have a day off or don’t work, you can sleep in as late as you want to. With a baby they wake every 2-3 hours to eat, by the time you feed, burp, and change a baby and then rock them back to sleep it can easily take almost 2 hours and then by that time it’s almost time to do it all over again. The 2-3 hours is from the start of the feed, not after, so it’s really quite a lot. Plus, a lot of babies won’t just go back to sleep after so you can end up spending hours and hours getting them back to sleep. It’s a lot harder when you want to sleep but can’t because of caring for a baby. Then you can’t sleep in because your baby will wake up for the day.

Your toddler is going to think that he had the best day ever cause he got to be comfy and watch a movie with his parent. Some of my favourite moments with my daughter are when we cuddle up in bed and watch a movie and eat snacks together. There’s nothing wrong with this at all

The sad beige trend took over unfortunately. I hate it

I would shame the hell out of whoever did it. Post it on social media and tell them you were looking forward to displaying it in your home and now you have to throw it away and that they ruined what was supposed to be a special memento

Wow okay that’s very interesting. My toddlers sleep has been CRAP for several months now. She wakes in the night, every night, and has to be brought into bed with us. And this a kid who was sleeping straight through the night at 8 months old. I thought it was a phase but it’s been happening for too long now. She also has a bit of an underbite sometimes and it’s causing white spots on her 2 front teeth from the bottom teeth rubbing on them. Now I’m starting to wonder if all of this is connected. Thanks so much for sharing with me, it’s super helpful

I wanted to name my daughter that but my husband was very firmly in the no camp lol

Thank you!! That’s super helpful. I’m in Canada, I do know I need a referral to see one but I know our doctor would easily refer my daughter to one. I suspect it would be a bit of a wait for sure. I have noticed my daughters tonsils are quite large

I don’t have any advice but I was wondering if you’d tell me what symptoms your toddler had that doctors decided they needed to come out? My daughter snores badly and breathes through her mouth when she’s sleeping and I’ve been wondering if she will end up needing her adenoids and tonsils out

Palliative care is comfort care. Hospice is also comfort care but its end of life comfort care.

Ok so before I had kids I felt the same way as you. I always said I’d utilize my support system and have them babysit often for me so I could still have fun without kids. After my daughter was born it was a different reality. I just really enjoy being around her and I like to bring her everywhere with me if I can. That being said, I don’t always. If someone invites me for lunch and doesn’t mention my daughter, I don’t bring her. If I want to go out without my daughter, my husband happily watches her and it’s zero issue, if we want to go somewhere together without our kid, our family babysits. It just doesn’t happen often cause I want to do stuff with my daughter, I don’t often feel a desire to get a break from here. But there’s no right or wrong answer! Everyone’s different. My best friend is CF and single and she likes my daughter more than she likes me lol. She often tries to come visit during the day when she can see my daughter too. But we also went to a concert 2 hours away a couple months ago, my daughter stayed home with my husband and my friend and I had a blast.

Gentle ESH. The ashes belong to both of you. In a divorce, the ashes would be split between you and him because you are equally entitled to them. What he does with his portion is his choice. But I understand why you are angry.

You are literally criticizing people on the internet with your comments about parents

It would perhaps be beneficial for you to seek some therapy to sort out why you hate parents.

Really? Cause I see that you tried pulling this over there and you didn’t get a single comment, you in fact got downvoted and your post was removed.

Are you asking what the meaning of having children is? Are you reducing parenting to changing diapers? That’s just one small aspect of it. Do you love someone very much? Say a romantic partner or your mom? You’d probably do gross things for them if they needed you to because you love them.

Yes. It’s similar concept on how women are in the happiest relationships when they are better looking than their partner

Oh man. All I see new moms complain about is that their mother in laws only want to hold the baby and complain they won’t cook or clean. Now I’m seeing people complain that their help wants to clean. I’ve truly seen it all lol

You yelling no right before they jump is what would make them choke because it will startle them. It’s like if a child puts something in their mouth that they could choke on and the parent freaks out and startles the child.

toddler mom

Nope you’re not crazy, it’s so true. I feel like infant care guidelines make parents anxious.

Personally, I did what felt right while also acknowledging safety guidelines.

Do it!! It’s so fun. I would change the floors, though. They don’t go well with pink

Babies see their moms as an extension of themselves for the first while. Dad and other family members or friends are a novelty because they don’t see them as much, but mom is there closest confidant, their best pal, the person they take their anger and frustration on more because they are the closest to mom. Tell your wife not to be discouraged, it means your baby thinks of her and him as one. Dad’s real cool cause he doesn’t see him as much.

My main issue here is getting your stomach issues under control first. I had ulcers and gastritis that started during my pregnancy and developed into stomach cancer. We believe pregnancy was the change that happened to allow cancer to form and grow. Obviously this is an extremely rare situation but my ulcers made me SIIIICK during my pregnancy and very sick after, I had a blood transfusion at 4 months post partum. My pregnancy was also horrible and I had a preterm birth because of it all

Still using one at 2.5. My daughter wakes in the night so I need to be able to hear her, her room is right across the hall but we have a super loud portable AC in our room so I can’t hear her crying until it escalates into a scream. Also we often have fires in backyard so I like to be able to keep an eye on her and hear her. When I go to bed I keep the screen off though. Mostly just use it for sound.