I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you'll be better than okay one day.

Truth is I wish I could tell you everything will get better, that you'll feel okay with her death one day and that you feel normal but I can't.

I've been trying for 30 years to feel normal since my mom died. It hasn't happened unless this shitty feeling is normal. Add my dad dying and wow the people who created me are gone. How does that feel? It doesn't.

I hope you can find a place of peace and move forward from there like I have. You will/can cry if you feel the need. Don't let anyone tell you when to cry, when not to cry, how to cry or why. They don't know. Only you know whats right for you.

Kittens from.the same litter can have completely different fathers. Thus kittens who look nothing alike.

Its called superfecundation.

Leap day.

I always like that extra day in February.

Yes. I have always had olfactory hallucinations with my episodic then chronic migraine.

At somepoint I started getting night terrors qwhen I would get episodic migraine attacks while sleeping. They would be horrific and surreal. I eventually came to realize that they were a warning and signal for me to wake up and take my rescue meds.

Learning to wake myself up calmly when the night terrors would start so that I could take my meds. Also learning lucid dreaming helped greatly.

My olfactory hallucination nearly cost me a job. I smelled phantom raw onions and it would drive me insane. I get other olfactory hallucinations of other things but I know that for me there are other scents I can use to end that hallucination.

A neurologist that I met who had been studying olfactory hallucinations had me smell various very subtle scents. Turns out I am a natural nose (nez) and have good memory and identification ability. After taking that olfactory nose test I told my sister and an aunt about it and turns out they too have very sensitive olfactory abilities. Were a family of Nez.

My sister and her sons who suffer from episodic migraine also get olfactory hallucinations. They like me have learned the specific phantom smells they will get and have learned not to freak out and how to defeat it.

"Everyone skedaddle! Vamoose fellow gatos!"

Thats a Dandy breed. Or perhaps a Damper and Dandy breed of cat. Its obvious by its attire and poise.

Our Zero Vision program has shown that when enforced it does save pedestrians from being hit at intersections. Especially when people push it and park right at the rounded corner and penetrating the crosswalks.

It will when enforced help peds who are walking and peds using wheelchairs and other mobility devices see the car that intends on pretending like they're not crossing at a corner. This will occur across the state.

I do not know what distance SFMTA and SFPD intend to enforce. Presently here in SF its crosswalks, red zones and not being in the intersection on the rounded corner

But just as the official state law for fire hydrants says no one can park within 15 ft of a hydrant (even without a painted red zone), the city chooses to allow people to park withing 3 ft of a hydrant. CVC 22514 if you'd like to read it. The law and fire departments across CA want 15 ft enforcement near ALL fire hydrants but cities cut that down to allow more parking. Also a painted curb is not required for any hydrant area. How many times have you seen people parked next to a fire hydrant? How many times have you parked blocking fast access to a fire hydrant? For the city of SF, SFMTA decided to give people 3 ft before they get cited. SFFD would like zero tolerance enforced but...

And still people park right next to fire hydrants because there is no red zone and are surprised when they are cited and towed for violating a very simple state law that was on your CA DMV test and should just be common sense.

When will we ever talk and do something about the H2O epidemic?

Won't someone think of the children.

I never met any of my 3 grandmothers sisters. But I heard stories about them and they were wild. Beatrice was my grandma Frances' sister. Freaking weird grandma called Beatrice by the nickname Dottie. No one got hat one.

My Beatrice died way before I was ever thought of.


Bruce is cool too. My childhood neighbor was named Bruce. Coolest dude ever.

My grandma's sister Mildred also went by Millie or Mil. Agnes was Aggie. Edith was Edie (I forgot to include Edith). Ethel was Letty. My grandma was Edna she went by June.

Congrats thats an awesome name. Good on you for keeping it alive.

I know. She went by Elle (L). The funniest thing is no family member ever asked if she knew why her first name is Elderidge until nosey kid me asked.

I asked and she told us all at a family get-together. She is the first born child. Her father fully expected and demanded that his first born child would be a boy. And only a boy. Grandma was born and that man freaked out and just went ahead and named her after himself.

The story gets funnier because a year later her mother gives birth to a boy and again her father freaks out. His second born was suppose to be a girl. My grandma's brother is named Roberta. Robbie for short.

They are Elderidge Roberta and Roberta Elderidge.

I did asked my grandma why her dad didn't just name her Roberta, which is her middle name. I asked if perhaps he was really stupid or something.

She said her father was an absolute moron.

Mildred, Agnes, Edna, Ethel, Frances, Roberta, Elderidge, Beatrice and Bertha

The names of three of my grandmothers and their sisters.

Edit- forgot Edith

What a beautiful and unique coat on this kitty. Its sort of irresistible.

"IT'S A TRAP!" From Ep VI

And when people tell me something was very first world difficult for them and its something ridiculous I tend to say

"Many Bothans died to bring us this information." Also from Ep VI

And lastly when I am near my brother I have to ask him

"CONAN! What is best in life?"

And my bro always responds in his best Schwarznegger

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

Which is from the classic film Conan the Barbarian

Back when George Clooney's dad Nick was the host on TMC he did a Lucille Ball film fest.

He was deeply passionate about new audiences seeing that there are many many reasons to love Lucy. Thats how I ended up seeing her film with Henry Fonda The Big Street. She was outstanding.

I think Nick said that if Ginger Rogers had stopped dancing with Fred Astaire sooner that Astaire had said he would have partnered with Lucille for films because she had legs and chops and was stunning.

She did a lot of great work before she settled for Desi.

It would be awesome if some local SF movie house like Alamo had a Lucille Ball film festival. Showing her very diverse roles would broaden many people's view on her career.

I had a similar thought delete reddit and any other social media and get shit done. Resume doing things until things are done. Fill downtime with books or art.

I did it with TV this year. Eliminate it. Don't miss it.

Then I'll wonder what's going on online...

Cat is clearly the Supervising Lift Coach.

Good job cat.