Every expansion launch is the same story, so i would recommend to manage expectations accordingly.

And when you log in you can expect issues too, then you get kicked and you have to repeat the whole process with waiting.

At EW i just didn't touch game until few weeks after launch

I would advise against doing changes on launch day.

I was stupid enough to change character name on the launch day and i had hell of a time actually trying to do it as whole game and service was unstable.

If people want to save their nerves, keep it until the whole thing stabilize a bit. There was not a single expansion launch that things went smooth for SE.

But well, to each its own


Nostalgia is fruit that is picked by people who don't live in the present. You deal with things at hand, things in past happened to you in past and they belong to that person, you find your own things now.

And bad or uneventful things in life are just as part of life as good ones are.

Hear me for a sec. What do you think who financed "birth" of Shinryu?

We paid the taxes, taxes financed crystal braves, part of them summoned Shinryu and then we fought it.

Hence it was all inside job orchestrated by the WoL

I love your attitude fellow warrior.

If company makes it hard to offer service for your money - you should not go out of your way to give them money, simple. applies to any company or business out there.

if higher ups notice they have financial problem cause of their policies they will attempt to change them. otherwise why would they, money is still pouring in.

Finally some Sleipnir players XD was scrolling trough comments and wondered am I only one here XD

you have been caught .... "red handed" tan tan tan taaaaan....

I will see myself out.

we live in time of extreme thinking, people cant find middle ground anymore.

its some tribal level of thinking like "i cant agree with someones idea cause that makes me his supporter"

They say it will be absolute murder

If what you wrote isnt hyperbol, then I would recommend You to find something else to do meanwhile to counter hyperfixation

Brother in arms I salute you XD

when i grabbed my first warhammer I never went back

Truth is ofc in between.

but also leave wild animal to its own "business"

this is some bad ass drip.... awesome job

Po meni ako si nezadovoljan zanimanjem u kojem trenutno radiơ promijeni ga. Savijeti poput "promijeni posao" ti nebudu pomogli jer nebudeơ zavolio nekaj samo zato kaj si otiơao u drugu firmu, pogotovo ako nisi materijalno orijentiran (ne, ne mislim ovo u nekom negativnom smislu), a razvlačiti nekaj bude ti iơlo samo na ơtetu.

Ako ĆŸeliĆĄ promjenu kreni danas s njom, mislim sam znaĆĄ kakva si osoba i kaj bude najbolje za tebe.

Budi realan i prilagodi očekivanja u skladu s planom.


We dont really use it in Croatia. There is term "mačka" or if you go more in to "kajkavski" dialect speaking area "puca," "dekla" etc, "ćakavski" and "ơtokavski" dialect probably have its own terms for it too. I also dont see how any of this would be derogatory.

On the other hand calling woman "kokoơ" or "guska" would be seen as derogatory. I dont even have to mention that terms like "pička" are no go in front of a woman in 99% of cases.

Thank you for everything and wish you all best. Take care

I see that you know Nobunaga personally. Have to say very impressive