Myriad landscape is a one turn setback. Temple is a four turn setback that doesn't provide a color.

you can make liquid smoke in a smoker by just exposing water (usually ice in practice) to smoke at a low temperature. it winds up having a very thin layer of oil. in the commercial process, they remove that.

the third worst land ever printed is often put in precons as what WotC sees as a value piece.

so shitty storebought liquid smoke without the tallow is less carcinogenic. that makes sense.

it could be rounded while also being two feet narrower for a smaller target picture.

that's why real life armored soldiers don't look like basketballs.

there is necessarily a transformation that takes place in turning smoke into a bottled product.

the addition of water.

According to your link, liquid smoke showed no mutagenic activity in bacteria, but did cause mutation at the same rate as regular smoke in human white blood cells.

For anyone not following, liquid smoke and regular smoke are the same exact material.

It's there to make you mad, and it's working because you're predictable.

Counting to one might be hard, but you can do it! I believe in you!

You guys in two comments turned a picture of one black character into a discussion about hiring bias.

You're obsessed.

Overwatch also worked better as a series of animations, to be fair.

He's such a an Alex jones crazy type that you're getting down voted for accusing him of having good points (he does not) lol.

Or that there aren't people who pick up games just because they think that game will offend someone.

The big bulky armor is beach ball shaped and looks ridiculous.

I'm gonna need a source on that one.

I make liquid smoke in the same smoker I smoke meats in. It's literally the same smoke. It even tests fairly acidic because of the NOx compounds. It's the same thing.

:sova: :chamber:

I think this guy is hard saving in the pistol (lol) and then buying odin if he gets a kill.

Saving r1 clearly worked lol.

It's literally smoke and water. Decide on your own whether you're afraid of smoke. All real barbecue has smoke on it.