The deeper you go, the more stitches are used to stitch together muscle and different layers of meat back together. A buddy of mine got 300 stitches and his wound was about 6 inches long.

Bobandy been busy since breaking up with Mr. Lahey. Still packin that cheeseburger locker though.

If you're white, you can't say that word

Yea, because you clearly don't know how to follow at a safe distance.

I live here in reality, not in whatever 3rd world shithole you have to exist in and make up lies about places you've never been to make your sad reality seem just a tiny bit better.

Cope and seethe. Still too embarassed to admit what shithole you live in.

Everything you just said is a blatant lie lmao holy propaganda batman. Take a deep breath, my guy. Go touch some grass.

Wow, 2 examples really blows up her argument, huh?

They need Killian Hayes to fuck off and let Ivey cook

So you're not even from America, yet commenting opinions on Chicago like they are facts. Even been there? Because I live here. My original comment stands. You sound even more like a dumbass.

How would Americans thinking the world revolves around them even apply to my statement?

The only cheap ass here is you and the woman bitching about having to pay for their own food. Think about that. Who is the cheap one?

Something tells me you believe AnTiFa BuRnEd WhOlE cItIeS tO tHe GrOuNd

You sound bitter, dismissive and condescending. You have this attitude like it is all luck of the draw being selected by universities. It requires hard work and dedication from a young age and a continued hard work ethic to maintain that success. The fact that you don't understand that is honestly concerning. You're either too young to understand, too stupid or both. I suffered through college in my 20s to get my Masters and it took a lot of work, scholarships and penny pinching to be able to get through it. It's always amazing to me when blue collar workers act like white collar workers didnt have to do anything to get where they are at. If it's so easy, why didn't you do it? Was I getting paid in school like you were getting paid at an apprenticeship? Your whole attitude screams jealousy and insecurity. Stay ignorant and miserable.

It's not cheap but Wild Fork quality is top notch. They do have some good deals every now and then. I haven't had anything from there I didn't thoroughly enjoy. Just made ribs from them last night and they are the meatiest juiciest ribs you can get.

Monkey in Space

I prefer my presidents not to have their brain eaten by worms.

I had a worker yell at me because I took an order with live crickets. Like, I'm sorry but it's the company you work for that makes this possible. Not me. Fucking bizarre.

Sounds like Jason Segel in Forgetting Sarah Marshall

If I knew I'd live and those were the injuries, I'd do it for $8.5 million. Probably less. Fuck it, I'd probably do it twice for $17 million. I wish I was joking.

Girls scratch, claw, bite, rip and poke. It really is primal. I had an ex gf that got physical way too many times before I left her. Every time, it looked like I was attacked by a bobcat. Scratch marks, bite marks, you name it. The last time she did something, I was trying to bear hug her to subdue her and she was able to rip out one of my eyebrow piercings and gouge my eye with her nails. Women fight like wild animals.

The only way I'm taking this is if I'm sitting at 14% cancellation rate