STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

should be a modmail thing somewhere around here.

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

yeah, same situation here. You fill community feedback survey and then your vote is cast!

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

Helldivers on release was a GotY contender. However each patch after that has really hurt the game in terms of both balancing and bugs. I don't think the current Helldivers would win GotY anymore, but, if the devs get their shit together and clean up the mess they made, it might have a chance.

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

But you dont, even in heavy fortified armor you still get 1shot by 1 rocket headshot.
Heavy armor has its uses but that is not one of them

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

Hey, you still vote in managed democracy! Haven't you seen the voting ad?

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

You say as though the turret strataball does not bounce off of any non-ground surface

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

Not sure about the AMR but the AC can kill a bile titan.

STEAM 🖥️ : SES Aegis of Patriotism

it doesnt look like it does much (especially on bots) because enemies will still fire at where they last saw you, and will walk into the smoke to find you. The trick is to throw smoke between LOS-breaking objects (hills, mountains), and changing your trajectory immediately after passing through the smoke to, 1. dodge the bullets and 2. evade their LoS once they look through the smoke again

Its completely realistic under certain circumstances.

You can use fast charging all that time, they didnt false advertise. These are the consequences of that. The bigger issue, though, is using fast charging while your phone is constantly plugged in and at 100%

when the demand is "do not do anything" its really not demanding much

space mail is slow man, give it a few days

Its his name bro he didnt choose it

you could buy a keybkard but for the love of god not at that price

Maybe I'm just biased from desktops but I'd say thats worth 1-1.1k not 3k.

Mightve overreacted, it was late last night. 200 over isnt the worst


Define those words for me please because I know them as one in the same (or even, one being a catagory of another)

All games do this, but repeated PR fails and bad updates accelerated it for helldivers. Mind you, the remaining 10% is still tens of thousands of people, so by no means dead

thats the worst screen burn in ive ever seen

what is the second one's gpu

Read the first paragraph in your own screenshot lol

Why are you booing me? I'm right! There's a reason Fast Charging is a togglable option under Battery Health settings

You explained what you think the difference is, but I see differently. Both parties have bad folks in charge. Both presidents are bad people. I'd reckon the parties are about equally bad in terms of "just straight up malicious representatives." Which lets us ask ourselves, "okay, this sucks, both options suck, but which of these terrible options is gonna be not as bad?"

Its fine, I've used laptops with batteries so bad the touchpad is a centimeter up. Havent exploded yet